Let's Discuss S5

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Okay, first of all, what was that?

Second of all, WHAT was that?

Third of all, what was THAT?

Some things exceeded my expectations and others made me die of second-hand embarrassment.

I'm also sure I've missed a lot of things, but here's what I have after twelve hours of thinking "what the fuck?"

So, let's start with the good: 

Chozen. I love you. So much.

The nicknames for Terry: "ponytailed pimp," "walking oil spill"

Daniel dropped the f bomb! DANIEL SAID FUCKING.

They tackled Daniel's PTSD! And handled it decently!!!

It was so cute when everyone rallied around Daniel at Miyagi-Do.

The little mohawk, awe.

Tory still being in contact with Kreese and risking it all to tell Daniel the truth.

The fact that Tory's room decor was a whole poster with a rainbow on it and that's all... SHES GAY. PLEASE.

Terry Silver is an evil genius.

Lmao, okay, so the escape room Johnny made was funny to me.

Kenny standing up to Kyler!

Kyler was written so well. No notes. Joe is fabulous at being a stupid asshole.

Moon <3

Sam and her bond with Anthony was a cute progression. I thought it was nice how protective she got of him. Feel free to disagree, though, since I'm an only child.

And Sam being so protective of her family in general! Also, I totally saw some tendencies from Amanda that rubbed off on Sam.

Amanda's sister is Jessica Andrews??? I LOVE THAT.


The egg scene was fun! It wasn't very practical, honestly, but it was fun to watch all of them try to get along.

The note: "No mercy, mother fucker!" The laugh I had to keep in at 6am was not staying in.

Robby going in and confronting Cobra Kai. He even stood his ground with Silver!

Tory's arc made me so happy.


The little, tiny Big Red/ Little Red brotherly interaction.

The bad:

It was rushed as hell. Slow the fuck down.

Mexico lasted 2 episodes and that was it???

They tinted the coloring of Mexico just like every stereotypical piece of media about the country. The sky isn't brown there, ugh.

They didn't include any scenes with a ride back from Mexico with the chaotic trio of Robby, Miguel, and Johnny:(

Johnny told Robby they'd figure out what to do about Kenny and instead he did nothing to directly better Kenny or Tory's situation. Absolutely nothing. 

A whole episode was focused on Samiguel and that was it as far as the teens go. Nothing else really happened. They deescalated all fights throughout between the teens and it was lackluster.

Kreese letting down Tory just like everyone else. I wanted to hug her; Peyton List has the best puppy dog eyes.

The teen's storylines completely disappeared in favor of Daniel's.

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