Arc 10, Chapter 3: Vengeful Search

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Eren POV:

I would say I could carry Yang and fly over to Atlas but I can't be drawing attention like that. We're humans in a Faunus led world. I'm not here to kill innocent people for my own benefit. Pyrrha deserved to die.

Hm. Maybe I should go over to Patch. I don't see why I couldn't. Perhaps seeing Yang would make Mom and Dad feel better, knowing at least another version of their daughter is alive. Though it must have been a knife to the heart knowing Mom's biological daughter killed her step daughter basically. Dad must be...I don't want to think about that.

Eren: "Yang. Let's get going. We'll get to the docking area then fly over there."

Yang hasn't really spoken much since we left the hotel. She's probably bottling up her emotions and talking to herself in her head. It's helped me before so I'll let her do that.
Finally made it. Gotta say, people aren't very nice in this world. I mean, some of the females and older guys actually seem kind of nice, even to humans. But a lot of them are also ignorant. Heh. If only they knew what powers I have at my fingertips...

...I wonder if the multiverse considers me a villain.

Yang: "Look. Down there."

I look down at a boat that's docked and see a couple humans come out with cuffs around them, chained together. The guards around them are wearing white robes and clothes with masks covering their faces.

Eren: "White Fang."

We both look at each other and jump down to the dock. We land and the guards turn and aim their weapons.

Eren: "I recognize you."

That stupid Monkey Faunus, Sun Wukong. Seriously...could your parents have picked more of an unoriginal name then that?

Eren: "Why are you in the White Fang Sun? Was Shade not good enough?"

Sun: "What? How do you know who I am! I have a damn mask on!"

Yang: "Your tail, dumbass."

Sun: "Yang...I thought you died!"
3rd person POV:

Yang cracks her neck and shoots her gauntlets at one of the guards. The guard dodges out of the way last second as Eren moves behind the guard so fast it looks like he teleported.

Guard: "W-What?!"

Divine Edge digs through the guards chest and comes out the other side, killing him. Eren pulls the blade out and looks at the other guard, reloading his rifle. Before he can put the mag in, Yang appears behind him, her purple aura surrounding her. She bangs her knuckles together with the guys head in the middle. His head gets squished and crushed with his eyes popping out of the sockets.

Sun jumps back and creates multiple clones of himself, each with their own weapons in hand.

Sun: "Something weird is going on. Yang is alive but a human and then you look like that Ruby girl. And even with you both being humans, you have semblances. I don't like this..."

As Sun talks to himself, Eren activates Wail and dashes behind Sun, wrapping a chain from Eager Blades around his neck. Sun starts to choke and cough as Eren laughs, leaning into his ear and speaking in a deeper, more evil tone.

Eren: "Stupid, stupid Sun. The Sun I knew was just a guy trying to have fun while being a huntsmen. Nothing wrong with that."

Eren chuckles and pulls Sun back more, the chain tightening around his neck.

Eren: "But when you encounter a threat like me and my beautiful but powerful older sister...there isn't much you can do. No Maidens or Silver Eyed warriors can stop what we are now."

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