Arc 10, Chapter 9: (Lemon) Whiterose

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Yang POV:

She really has the balls to come here and call me weak. Heheh...if only she knew what I could do. I'd love an opportunity to crush her skull in. She's done nothing but harm me my whole life.

Summer: "Sweetie? Let's eat okay? Athena was able to bring the food I ordered back home. I told you you could pig out due to this little break you're having. Don't worry about getting fat or anything, I know how much you workout."

Mom gives me a kiss on the cheek as I see Py- I mean Athena dig into the ribs on her plate like a wild animal. Never thought I'd see her act like this. Maybe she's acting more natural because the whole world isn't watching her like a hawk.

Heh. Even with this sight, she's still really cute. I mean...she's naturally gorgeous but there's something else now...

Athena: "Hm? Do I have something on my face Yang?"

Fuck. She caught me

Perfect! She has a bit of sauce on her cheek!

Yang: "You got a bit of sauce on your cheek. I'm not used to seeing the great Pyrrha Nikos eat like that so I found it funny."

Athena wipes the sauce off her cheek and giggles before licking it off her finger.

Athena: "Hehe! Sorry! I'm just finally able to relax and be myself, you know? I'm not being held at such a high regard anymore. I have the other me to do that hard work."

Yang: "Must feel nice to not have to worry about keeping up a standard then, yeah? Something you and Weiss can bond with."

I take a bite into the burger Mom ordered me. What a pain. It's like a damn lettuce burger. There's mayo, bacon, tomatoes, onions and lettuce on this thing yet somehow the lettuce completely overtakes everything. Reminds me of a Big Mac...

Still, it tastes good at least. Feels nice to eat garbage from time to time. Especially when I workout and fight so much that it cancels each other out. Get to keep this sweet body~.

Athena: "That's true! Thankfully I don't have to get used to how you dress! Still wear the same kind of "pajamas", only difference being your clothes when you're training or out on a mission. Where did that come from anyways? Why the change?"

Yang: "Heh. Well. I changed from the brown jacket and pants and all that to the fur coat Eren style is because of...the bond we have now. He's training me to utilize Wail better. The God of Light during one mission gave me this outfit just to disguise myself...but it's grown on me. Makes me feel closer to him..."

I say this while gripping the jacket with one hand.

Pyrrha: "Awwww. You must love your brother very much."

Yang: "Hehe. Yep. I love him lots."

If only you knew Athena...

Ruby POV:

Weiss: " one's here Ruby~."

Ruby: "Hehehe...I wonder what you want..."

Weiss lays me down on her bed and starts to kiss all the way down my neck...fuck it feels good! Weiss puts her hand under me on my ass and squeezes tight, starting to nibble on me.

Weiss: "We're, mmmmm, lucky Bella joined with JNPR today. Eren and Blake get to have their dorm all to I get to take out my pent up frustrations on little rose."

F-fuck...that nickname...
3rd person POV:

Weiss buries her face into the crook of Rubys neck and bites down hard, leaving a mark on her like a Faunus would. Due to her having to suppress so many of her urges, she's going a little crazy.

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