Last Drive

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Ruby's POV. Two years later

The best moments of my life are with my kids. I have a few stories about how o have gotten the perfect family. My daughter already has had her first crush. We we're at dinner and she laughed each time he looked at her. She even tried to hid her face.

That was the cutest thing I have ever seen. There was even the moment when Ernest would sing with Isaac in my car. I had never fell in love with three people at the same time. Keelah was laughing the whole time. It was just so cute. It reminded of when we had Christmas this year. Now that was the best.

Keelah's future husband wouldn't be able to tell her no. This was her second Christmas and she had at least forty seven toys and new clothes. Ernest loved to pamper her and treat her as if she was an actual princess. He did the same thing for Isaac but they still got more presents from everyone else too.

It reminded me that the same year Isaac got a toy motorcycle that he was able to ride. It was all made out of plastic that he had to push to ride. He had so much fun going back and forth. It was so cute when he turned the handle bars side to side. It was his favorite thing to do. He was just like Ernest.

I am always so scared of when Ernest leaves on his motorcycle since I was first pregnant. My son and daughter both wait for their dad to come home. Isaac has his own toy motorcycle that he loves. Every day Isaac stands in front of the window and he is always excited to see Ernest drive up in the driveway. It is always so cute.

Even Keelah joins him when she isn't taking her nap. Now that she is older she loves to join her brother. Before Ernest even comes into the house Ernest goes to the window to say hi to Isaac and Keelah. It's so adorable on how good Ernest is with the kids. With our very own kids that he loves.

Today we were going to the motorcycle shop to surprise Ernest. We all got in the car since we knew we would meet him in time from when he left to lunch. I got Isaac and Keelah into the car. I drove us to to his work. As we we're driving I saw Ernest's motorcycle up ahead.

I pulled up right behind him at the intersection. "Is that dad" asked Isaac. "It is" I said as I stopped the car right behind him. It was a red light. I watched him turn around and see the Benz he bought for me. I watched as he put his kick stand down. He was able to get off it pretty fast.

He jogged to me and I had the biggest smile on my face. I rolled my window down to talk to him. "What are you doing" I asked him. He leaned into the car and gave me a kiss even when he was wearing a helmet. He nestled his head against me. He made a kiss sound and Isaac pretended to throw up.

I kissed him and it left a little lipstick mark on the side of his helmet. I kissed him where it wouldn't be in his view. Ernest pulled away and waved to the kids. "Hey guys I love you" said Ernest as he blow them kisses too. "Dada" said Keelah happily. "Dad" said Isaac as he waved back to him.

Ernest blew us all one more kiss and he jogged back to his motorcycle. "See you in a little bit" said Ernest. He got on his bike and put up the kick stand. He did this all in time because the lights barely turned green. He drove in front of me and I followed behind him. I couldn't stop the smile that was on my face.

It reminded me of how we first met. I was coming to live in a whole new place and I saw his motorcycle drive past me. I thought he was so cute while he was driving beside me. I noticed him and I couldn't stop staring at him. I just wanted to talk to him.

Now I am married to the man who drive past me that faithful day. I even became his neighbor and that pushed us closer together. Now he just drove past me and I still find him as perfect as the day I had first laid my eyes on him. I never knew how much my life would have changed since I moved.

I thought about all the good times and the bad. I still don't think that I could have ever been happier. That's all I feel when I am with Ernest. His dreams and the way he treated me was all I needed for our relationship to work. Our future was set in stone. It's the only thing that I have secretly wanted deep down.

I watched as Ernest was driving ahead of us. "Bye dada" said Keelah as she waved by at him. "Look" said Isaac as he watched Ernest drive in front of him. "I want to be like dad" said Isaac as he told Keelah that from the back seat. I was just in aww with my family. I looked at Ernest drive away with the sunset behind us. I heard the motorcycle and I missed how much I loved riding with him at three in the morning.

I remember all the rides we would go on across town. The hotels we would go to afterwards. That's really all that mattered to me at the time. Now my family is all that I have ever cared about. I mean who wouldn't love to have their own kids. I was just lucky to have Ernest and my babies. Ernest drove further away and I knew I was going to fallow him to the end. That's what we said in our wedding vows. That is a print that I will keep forever. We will drive on.

The End

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