Episode 19 : hub of the damned

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AN: if you have not read the first volume of Taken Horizon i advise you to do so

"Slow down!" Chasing after me through the corridor of rainbow lights a black raven shouted its lungs out trying to follow me.

Resisting violently inside the surprisingly rough grip of the tentacle wrapped around my torso i grunted and seethed through my teeth using all my bodily strength to try and break free. The more i wriggled the more constrained i got and soon enough it was impossible to move in the tentacles hold.

Giving up the futile resistance i cursed, "fuck..." looking at the tentacles origin as it pulled me further down the rabbit hole of different lights i could see no end from its beginning.

[please prepare for dimensional torque]


The air within the rainbow corridor shifted, suddenly burning within my lungs with a mild spice to its flavor. Gradually the tentacle that reeled me in like a fish began to slow down as the end of the corridor came into site.

It was similar to the darkness of a well as i saw the light fade into the darkness that the green tentacle stretched out to hold me from.

"Thorn!" Calling my familiar i expressed my urgency.

"I'm coming alright! If you could help it would be nice!" The snarky raven barked back as it's two silver horns burned just as brightly as the silver flames that warped its ghostly appearance. Flapping it's black wings as hard as it could to try and catch up to me.

Throwing my head forwards i gripped an invisible string in my teeth that connected myself to the raven. Lurching my head backwards the shadowy raven was tugged forwards getting closer

"Ow! That hurt, dumbass!"

Not listening to his misery i repeatedly threw my head back and forth dragging in the raven close enough for him to phase into my chest just in time before we exite the rainbow corridor.

[dimensional torque hitting in 3... 2... 1]


Bloody coughs exhaled from my mouth as my back felt like it had crashed right into a brick wall at mach speed as we exited the rainbow corridor into the darkness of an unknown cloudy grey space.

[you have entered the world: <archon hold>]

[skill: chains of sentience, lessens the mental trauma!]

My fragmented sanity nearly slipped further away than it already was as i gasped for the burning air to fill my lungs. My eyes were bloodshot as i stared up at the supposed cloudiness of the grey sky, unable to properly process the reality shattering sensation that felt like my soul had been shoved out of my body then promptly thrown back in.

Coughing wildly i regained my wits spewing out the blood in my lungs onto the brown tentacle that gripped me. Groaning i took heed of the fast winds blowing into the back of my skull beating into my eardrums like a chorus of drums.

Guessing i was being held upside down with how my hair hanged in the air, i looked supposedly up, seeing flashes of orange lights through the grey clouds that obscured my vision along hearing the faded booms from the far distance entering my ears. "Whats going on down there?.. woah!"

A sudden tug from the tentacle jolted me forwards and it left the cloudcover with me in tow to reveal the tentacle that was latched onto me was actually the tail of some sort of leech-hawk hybrid that was easily larger than ten elephants squished together looking 60 feet in length with a width of 80 feet with its bat-like wings.

Taken Horizon Origin, volume 2, DescensionWhere stories live. Discover now