Episode 21 : void scream

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Climbing up a ladder leading to a roof i grumbled exasperatedly.

There was no plan, no assurance, and no backup whatsoever coming to help me and i am currently stuck inside a teen's mindscape that for some reason is a fully autonomous city with thousands of separate people creating a conventional order in what should be the dreamscape of a young girl about ponies and candy.

It's normal for me to be without short term plans but how am I even supposed to expect something like this?

"This whole scenario goes beyond tedious." Mumbling out, i reached the top of the ladder and walked across the roof seeing the desert beyond the waves of houses and buildings that were roughly the same height despite some being taller or shorter than others. "Of course theres a desert." I grumbled.

Right now the one thing i have going for me is that i know, Neveah should be living with only her father if not uncle as well. I can ask around the city for people like that and describe what she looks like to try and narrow it down...

"Seriously, Raptor?" Spotting a man wearing a torn sheet as a robe running away from the police of this imaginary society that wore bright orange colors and yellow furs, i could only be left befuddled with Raptor's predicament. "It's been five minutes since we split up, though? How is he already being chased?"

We decided it would be better for me to search for Neveah since she's familiar with me while he looks for Order's ego core... i guess drawing attention does help in someway at least. I just hope it won't hurt Neveah in anyway after everything is done and said.

Taking a deep breath in, aether gathered in front of me forming a silver and dark-orange orb of chains and energy.  Spinning itself fast enough to bolt out electrical energy into my palms, the rotating orb slowly began to condense as I pressed my hands together at the amber globes sides.

[skill: chains of sentience, scans a foreign mind]

[skill: autumn kings conquest, reaches out]

It was only a gut feeling this will work in a mental world since I've only done this once or twice before in hell

what I'm doing right now is subverting the entirety of aether's influence in the area, just like i did with [festered sentinel] to shrink him down. Only this time I've modified the spell to pinpoint the strongest lodes of aether.

Bzzt! Bzzzz!

Growing rampant the spinning orb could barely be contained anymore as it hovered between both my palms before i crushed it into a flat disk, shooting out aether molecules over the entire city like a wide scale gas bomb. Infecting and dominating the ambient aether that was nowhere near me, leaving only the aether controlled by others

Holding the flattened disk of aether in one hand, i raised it up to look through the orange pane, seeing the aether within and around Raptor through its screen appearing as a black blob.

"Thankfully this worked." Sounding gladdened by the success of the spell I let out a relaxed breath.

Dispersing aether from my body filled with my own intent and command to spread and take more aether is by no means an easy feat. Its even harder to make the spell so i can color code the aether still being disobedient to me visible like this.

Standing on the roofs edge with the silver and orange screen in hand, i moved it about seeing several black blobs similar to what Raptor's was like.

There was one cluster though that garnered my attention. Unlike the other aether that was circular through the screen it was straight and sharp like tens of small rectangles.

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