Episode 19 : a deal with greed itself -

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Looking down at the table with Laegii's geographical map, all 10 of the defensive fortress' was marked with a red triangle atop the map, circling the very center of the continent where soon a final adversary to Laegii's survival would arrive as i charted it with my compass

[luck's coin, watches from afar]

[viewing deities are wondering what's about to happen?]

The door leading into the wide and cold room opened and Damien walked through wearing a downcast expression as he shut the iron and wooden door behind him. "Arthur..." calling for my attention i looked up at him seeing Damien looking worse for wear. He just arrived after from drinking at a bar by the looks of it.

"What is it?" A hissing rage was hidden beneath my calm words.

Intimidated briefly Damien swept a hand through his greasy unwashed hair. "Are you sure you don't want to work with us anymore?"

"You all made the choice to separate from me. I have my limitations and i cannot force a fate that does not coincide with your choices as much as it pains me to see you all... in such states." Clear disgust enunciated from my harsh voice, demeaning Damien with every word i spat out

[luck's coin, asks you to find forgiveness for your old party]

[purgatorial flame, tells luck's coin not to bother with the obstinate human]

Damien showed some hesitation. He wanted to say something but was worried what my reaction would be like. "...a god named [wanter of succulence] approached me and my contractor."

My movements fell stiff and i looked up from the map slamming the compass in my hand down. "How do you know that name?"

The uncertainty within Damien's shaky eyes assured me of his honesty. "After my quest to the newly erected cathedral at the Pythonorgana cult, a man who had a mask made of yellow topaz approached me. He tricked me into eating poison and said that if i don't help you reassemble our old party and meet with him he won't give me the antidote."

"Have you gone to see, Alma?" I asked showing some vague hint of worry.

"I did. She said that there's nothing like it on Laegii and since she doesn't know what it is she can't remove it with her magic or tools."

Stepping out from behind the table i approached the coat rack holding a white coat and dressed myself with it. "We are short on time then. We need to find the others quickly if we want to ensure your life."

"Actually..." rubbing the back of his skull Damien looked away from me. The doors leading into the room opened once again and walking in was Telos, Kyle, Mary, and Lumine.

"Hi, captain..."

"Its good to see you again, Arthur..."

The four of them all walked in looking like they had been struggling for the past few months since the incident on Shattere where Strife picked us apart.

The quests since then have only been getting harsher and casualties have been on the rise as of late. They all must have been doing whatever they could to save as many people as possible but in the end they are only mortals. Just like me.

[memory of swords, is surprised by a visitor]

[golden headband's arrogance, is pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face]

Walking behind my old allies, a woman with platinum-blonde hair wearing a bright yellow mask followed them into the room wearing a formal frilly lengthened dress looking like a graceful water nymph. Courteously she bowed towards me displaying her puffy sleeves. "Greeting to the regressor of time, Arthur Moonleaf."

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