Episode 22 : Memory's of apocalypse

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"Heads up!" Thorn yelled slightly as a large black box fell into the black orb at the center of the hexagonal room as if it had been dropped into a hole. "That's the final one, let's leave." Wiping his wings clean as if they were hands Thorn urged.

"That is for the best. Any conflict with the kralscell of corruption is not our concern. Make your way out of the basement carefully, Pettel." Invoker buzzed through my earpiece

Waving my hand the black orb of sand dissipated into dust in the air and vanished. "Alright. I'll head back to the vent and get out of here." Heading for the opening in the wall I pulled it open to see a pair of legs waiting on the other side of the wall.

A mechanical head with glowing violet cylinder-shaped eyes leaned down to stare right back into my gaze. As we met the robotic gaze thoroughly disturbed me. "Ai unit PR-0th32 stipulates the intruder to Identify or be ERASED." The machine demanded in a cold tone barren of any human emotion

Buzzing screeched into my ear and the sounds of fighting echoed in my ear canal unti Durvin's voice appeared, "that's the kralscell of corruption! Get out of there Pettel! We can't risk losing those resources and Strife's knowledge on aether!"

Pink lines sprouted through the rock wall and the bricks that made up the building folded away, opening a doorway for the machine's full metallic body to be in view as it wore a cloak to hide it's back.

Stepping back in concern for Thorn he landed on my shoulder with a worried expression. Even with Strife's insights of aether Thorn is incapable of battling kralscell's without risk of his entire body being used as fuel. "How is a machine a kralscell?" I asked aloud

Walking through the newly formed opening, pink streaks fanned out across the floor, walls and ceiling. corrupting every surface as they followed the machine, "query: you understand the concept of kralscell? This unit would like for you to identify your actuality."

Looking behind the kralscell of corruption the [voracious warrior] was waiting. The pink handprint atop it's skull glowed even brighter than it was before but now its movements seemed almost robotic. It's been completely controlled at the moment, that means only the automata will be thinking. I need to avoid conflict...

"Pettel, the kralscell of ash." Several beeps sounded from the machines white-metal skull but it made no effort to communicate further. "I'm not involved with your war with the ten other kralscell's and want no part of it. I just came to get a few supplies thinking Medea would be gone." Lying through my teeth the android didn't show any intent to attack.

"Query: what purpose could simple materials have to a divine entity?" The machine took another step going into the light revealing the plastic-white frame of it's body, hiding it's mouth behind some sort of covering while two massive glowing pink photoreceptors focused in it's eyes.

"A man's gotta have a hobby in prison doesn't he? Murder isn't as fun anymore." The android's mechanical eyes landed on Thorn, analyzing with each shift and flicker in the pink glow of it's eyes. Whatever it was doing was likely problematic.

Thorn was keeping silent and by the looks of it he was probably trying to send a mental message thinking I was Strife. It would probably be along the lines of; 'what the fuck are we supposed to do here? Oh, right, this stooge isn't the princess.'

the machine remained silent as it likely ran several simulations within it's head to try and analyze my threat. Ignoring the possibility I asked, "...is there a chance of you leaving me to pass untouched?"

"Negative." The machine that was the current kralscell of corruption somehow answered immediately and the focus' in it's eyes narrowed. "You hold valuable knowledge on what a kralscell's identity is and by extension, their intended purpose and possible origin." Pink electricity sparked from the white androids hand brimming with aether to try and threaten me. "You will be CORRUPTED and ERASED."

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