Episode 27 : construction start

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Gasping for sweet life i felt the aether get sucked out of my blood cells and aethers blood thirsty whispers took full advantage of my weakened state.

"-keep going! Reveal the finality!-"

"This is just an origin! More is yet to come!-"

"The souls truth is yours! Take it!-"

In the black reflection of the scales along my [ekrix] gauntlets i could see a golden glow shining of of it coming from my right eye.

No! I won't let aether take control of me! Yelling internally i collapsed onto one knee as i felt my sanity grip into place field by my pure spite.

[skill: horizon chains, reigns you in!]

Coughing up my lungs onto the floor I slowly began to recover. Fortunately aether's attempts to subvert my mind only come in single sort bursts from overuse. If aether tried to fight me for any longer than 7 seconds it's likely i would lose!

"Strife? Everything okay, bud?" Terry patted my back glancing over his shoulder at Prophet who was standing dazed from what i had just pulled off.

"Yeah... yeah. I'll be fine after i catch my breath." Offering Terry a smile of comfort the man sighed and stepped back as he noticed the gold in my silver eyes slowly fade away.

Using the reflection of my gauntlets metallic sheen again i checked i my eyes still had any residual gold glow inside of my irises but thankfully they had returned to my normal silver colour.

"I did not think it was possible for kralscell's to perform such a feat." Stepping up to me, Prophet with her robotic body bent down and offered a hand to help me. "You seemed dazed after your first ranged attack. Did something happen, kralscell of sentience, Strife?" The robot with her purple optics squinted at me trying to get me to answer.

"<remember. The void doesn't exist. Not corporeally at least.>" Seririna's voice filled my mind. As real a statement as it was that she told me after suddenly dropping insights of aether into my mind out of the blue then banishing again.

"You could say i had an enlightening." Grabbing Prophet's metal hand she lifted me up from the floor and stood next to me as i admired my handiwork in the distance.

Four towering titans had been frozen to their very soul with an extremely enhanced [breach surge] that Seririna helped me create. Allowing me to increase the power of my ranged spells much more than i thought possible.

[breach surge] is, in essence, the gathering of aether into an orb, spinning it, then pushing it out. Thats the process I always use for my ranged spell. But with some changes it can either be an orb of thunder, or a stream of black ink if i infuse different intents and thoughts into the aether. Or 'ichor' as is what i believe it should be called.

Seririna helped in merging the ichor's for 'chaos' and 'ink' together create the new [abyssal breach surge] that i used. It's extremely taxing on my aether and has terrible waiting time until it's readied to be fired making it very far off from what a [regalius breaker] is but the power shouldn't be far from one.

"Although i cannot compute what you mean by this 'enlightenment', Strife. I understand that what you have accomplished is by no means elementary." Prophet continued speak with her buzzing croaky voice, "are you positive however it was correct for me to be uninvolved with this conflict? Should i have helped the war would have ended thirty percent faster and this would prove i am no longer a threat to those inside the walls."

"Uh... mind if i answer that?" Terry raised his hand waiting his turn to speak until Prophet looked at him with her robotic face. "People tend to... assume the worst in moments of extreme stress. War is no different. Sometimes extremely simple orders are misinterpreted as something completely different and everything gets ruined."

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