Episode 26 : opening silver

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Sighing as i waited against the wall i banged the back of my head against it's concrete blocks. "...i got too excited, didn't i?" Speaking aloud as i looked up at the black hole in the grey sky i waited for Thorn to respond.

"You only just figured that out?" Speaking from my shoulder Thorn mocked before getting serious. "Your eyes flashed gold when you saw her so i assumed aether got some hold of your mind unknowingly. Might be an instinctual thing between kralscell's who've fought each other." Speaking his theories Thorn loafed atop my shoulder as we started gathering attention.

The people on the streets were outwardly looking at myself and the bird made of ink and shadows on my shoulder, not even trying to hide their glances. Making it clear i was the strange one and not them.

Raising my right hand above my face i looked at the disgusting red burn scars that covered it and the aether that circulated within my blood.

The silver and orange specs of energy were still as intent on making me their slave of destruction as ever it seemed. Except now aether is forgoing whispering ideas into my head now that it's basically infused itself into my psyche. I'm not sure whether that's a blessing or a curse though when my sensitivity to aether has risen significantly allowing for greater control.

The skill [horizon chains] even had to calm me down as well. I'm not sure i would of relaxed myself enough for Elysia to discourage me from my actions if that skill didn't take effect. It's a good thing it's been turned into a blood-ring, i thought inwardly.

Sensing about again as i still looked into the sky but dropped my hand to my side, i could tell that the rest of the group likely wasn't going to move for a while with the state i put the kralscell of control in. "Should we explore by ourselves, Thorn? Might be simpler to get that cobalt and water with just us." Looking down from the sky i glanced at Thorn expecting a reply

"I've had my fill of the ladies today. So sure, why not." Thorn jeered, urging me to get moving as he got restless atop my shoulder.

Pushing off the wall with my back, i walked off into the city streets of Grigel getting curious as to what the city would be like.

The walls of buildings ascended to accompany no more than two or three levels. They were advanced enough to possibly be better built than the houses in the Shatterre capital were as well, given how sturdy the exterior looked with their concrete bricks.

The ground however was simply compacted dirt that had gotten used to generations of people walking across it. It's a shame that there's no pavement considering how well made the buildings are but i guess it would be difficult to put down with how bustling this street alone is.

People of all kinds of ethnicity were present in this city. Humans with white, blue, and dark brown skin filled the streets.

Demi-human therianthropes were bartering shards and trading supplies with some races i recognized from the floors of hell. Horned demons, wet masked fish-men, and even elves as well as dwarves filled the entire city.

Now that i think about it. I think i spotted some horns hiding under the kralscell of controls blonde hair. She must have taken a demon or oni of sorts as a host. It's probably just a coincidence that all the kralscell's I've met thus far are mostly human in their looks.

Bumping into my shoulder a man with walrus tusks growing out his upper lip shoved me to the side as he walked through me, "watch it, jackass!" Cursing at me aloud the tusked man continued walking and picked no further quarrel.

Watching the man walk away for a moment i narrowed my eyes in observation. "...he has swift hands."

"They're nearly as good as Cayde's if I'm being honest. Shame you don't have anything in your pockets, would of been fun to watch you play with him." Sounding disappointed Thorn spoke aloud, surprising the residents of the street around us.

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