Episode 28 : sephiwrath

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"Hey! You not gonna talk? I was hoping to be able to hear you scream before i crushed your head in!" The thundering deity cried out through the empty space.

Meanwhile, i was left confused wondering how i could even hear his voice when sounds not supposed to be able to travel through space. "How the hell are you talking in space?"

He was talking in god tongue so it was easy to understand him thankfully. I just need to buy time until 'that' is ready and I'll have a chance...

"I'm the god of thunder! Of course i can talk in space! Don't take me for some hodgepodge idiot." Lightning crackled from Thor's hammer as he yelled back, shaking the low atmosphere of the moon. Snorting his nose Thor wiped off some dirt from his oxygen mask. "So you can talk. Good! I have some questions i wanna ask before you die!"

"Did your daddy Odin send you to ask them?" Yelling back at Thor i barely got a reaction out of him.

I know from what myths Silven read that Thor is like a loyal hunting dog to Odin and was hoping to poke at Thor's pride.

"Whats it to you that the all-father has questions? You've got answers. I'm planning on taking them regardless if you agree or not." Pointing his hammer, mjolnir, at me Thor was just itching for a fight. "First question! What's a kralscell?"

[skill: sephiwrath, ignites the first gear of foundation!]

A grin seeped up my mouth behind my helmet as i felt the circulation of aether in my veins accelerate. "Kralscell's are antibodies of the universe as far as i understand it. Stopping viruses from destroying this universe from the inside out."

"Seriously?" Genuine interest furrowed Thor's brows. Lowering his hammer the mighty god of thunder was still skeptical of my answer but moved on. "Second question! Now this is a personal one! How many of you are out there? If you really are what you say you are, how come I've only seen two kralscell's amongst the thousands inside that ship I've already killed!"

[skill: sephiwrath, activates the second gear of power!]

The muscles throughout my body inflated with power as my skill reached it's second stage. One more then I'll be able to fight Thor on equal terms.

"Only thirteen. The power we draw from is far too volatile for just anyone to be able to manipulate. I can give you a demonstration of just how strong that power can be if your brave enough to take a punch from me." I sneered through my helmet. I just need two minutes and [sephiwrath] will be ready.

"Hahaha~! Is that how you're planning to survive?" Banging his blubbery chest Thor boastfully laughed at me. "Fine then! I'll witness a kralscell's full strength after I've asked all my questions!"

My anxious smile grew even wider. At this rate i may have a chance to reach the fourth gear.

"Third question! just where do kralscell's originally come from?" Thor shouted across to me.

"Now this is tricky..." muttering to myself i knew aether would not allow me to expose the finality gem Pettel told me about, or the centre of the universe where it's from. I can't break my vow to only tell truth's either... but i can interpret the question differently. "A kralscell's powers transfers to another host after the preceding kralscell's death, also bringing their soul to reincarnate. Usually whoever has a stronger ego will dominate the body."

"A reincarnation? What about where the original kralscell's came from?"

"There's still one of them alive. You can go ask them yourself, fat bastard. Not like I'm going to tell you." Jeering at my opponent i had only ten second left until [sephiwrath] got to the desired output level.

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