Episode 21 : captured Order

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Buttoning up a formal black shirt my wet hair dripped onto my shoulders as i left the top button undone. I can't remember the last time i had a real shower when I've only gotten by with the occasional water mage attacking me. It was therapeutic in a sense to do this for myself for a change.

Reaching for a small towel i tossed it atop my head for the moment and walked out of the small room back onto the wide open base of Ignis corp as i saw Raptor directing a water mage to hose down my usual clothes with a spray of bubbles and water dripping blood and black grime onto the floor.

"Thanks for this." Rubbing my hair with the towel around my head I approached Raptor who seemed somewhat disgusted by all he saw dropping off my coat.

"Just a small question, Strife. When was the last time you cleaned your clothes?"

Refusing to answer I didn't want to reveal the last time i had even taken my clothes off was when i submerged myself in a cauldron of dragons blood. I doubt Mia cleaned my coat when she added the hood but it's not outside the realm of possibility.

Staring at my flat face scrupulously Raptor eventually gave up. "You know what. I doubt i want to know." Giving up his investigation Raptor switched topics. "Your two new friends are currently recovering in the medical ward. Where did you find them though? Unlike others they don't have the stigma's that show your a prisoner in <archon hold>."

"Stigma?" Catching my confusion Raptor acted more bothered by the sudden drop of black water from my coat splashing onto the floor. Alchemy has its limits in keeping me clean it would seem.

"Uh... a stigma is what it sounds like. An invisible mark to tell whose a prisoner and who isn't. The more important prisoners however have physical stigma." Pulling down his collar Raptor revealed a blue glowing mark depicting a sword wrapped in chains. "You should have one somewhere as well."

Raising a brow in question i made it clear i hadn't seen such a thing on my body while i was showering or since i had arrived on this prison planet.

Opening a small bag that hanged from his waist Raptor pulled out a small rectangular device. Flicking a switch it began to beep and as Raptor waved it atop his brand its beeping turned into a horrid screech for my ears. "This is how those who don't have physical ones find them." Raptor's brand reacted to the device glowing brightly through his black shirt

"Loud trick." I jeered in pain as i rubbed behind my ear to erase some of the discomfort.

Raptor waved the scanner around my neck and chest only getting small beeps. "You definitely have a stigma since its beeping." Moving the device to and fro around my body Raptor found nothing until he waved the small box atop my shoulder creating the screech

Looking over my shoulder i saw the blue glow through my formal shirts back just slightly. The stigma was rather close to the three runes running up my spine granting me my enhanced aether control and manipulation. "Thats a discomforting place." I muttered aloud not realizing it.

Turning the small box device off Raptor tucked it back into his utility belts small bag. "Yeah. It's no wonder you never realized you were branded a prisoner. Oh! Nearly forgot, Mimir and her lady ship are currently talking with the two you brought. Asked me to tell you once you cleaned up."

"I'm surprised a kralscell is taking requests from a visiting god." I mocked playfully as i crossed my arms

Raptor shrugged with a pert grin. "He brings good ale and mead. Can't hate him for that."

"Those seem invaluable in this place since you can't produce your own alcohol." I stated flatly getting a slight nod in return. I can make as much alcohol as i want with etheric alchemy but its best i don't tell Raptor that. I'm pretty sure I'll end up milked like a cow if i do. "I'll come back for my clothes in a bit then."

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