Episode 20 : void and horizon

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The golden dragon sat proudly within its spherical cage surrounded by false silver starlight. "You have finally learned of the thirteen principles. It is time for my covenant with the outer god to be finally put to an end." The proud and old voice of the dragon echoed out as i stood still in the black void.

I know this guy made a deal with Incursik before but what has always been a mystery. All I know is that the golden creature is the source of my explosive growth since I left hell and explored Shatterre. "...what does that mean?"

"It means, homunculus, that the passing of the crown has finally come. My spirit will fuse to your soul. You will listen, learn, and remember what i once was. What you will imagine to be." The dragon roared his voice loudly in the dark space vibrating the very air. "The universe weave will connect us with it's strands."

So many things just seemed too coincidental for the father of horizons to suddenly want to help me. He's after my body, just like the aether's blood curdling whispers, and Cayde. I cannot trust his intentions no matter how beneficial they seem. "What do you get out of this?"

The dragon grinned as if he were expecting the question. "The void already told you, did she not? It was so fate can be changed and destinies strings severed!" Wind blew out as the golden dragon expanded its presence like a raging sun but i stood still in place. "I wish to betray the end through you."

"The end?" Raising a brow i felt like i had suddenly learnt of something impossible. The 'void' the father of horizons is referring to must be Seririna but... wait. What was it Incursik said [dark edge] and [endless white] were after? [Dark edge] wants the death of everything, and [endless white] wants the end of conflict... how do. I know whats true? "What ending are you talking about?"

"The end of regression, little mouse!" What could be described as excitement plastered the dragons large head as he bashed his giant golden skull against the orb cage with a bang of reverb. "To upend infinity! To inverse eternity! The weaving strings imagination can make of a whole new existence outside this universe. The devouring of truth."

Stepping closer i realised why it was I never thought twice about accepting the strength I siphoned from this creature and muttered. "...you want to run away." The once excited dragon pulled its head back, showing a mopey expression not in denial but at the truth of fact on his golden lizard head. "What are you running from?"

"The same as you, homunculus. The truth beyond the horizon that lies." Watching intently i paid close attention to the dragons words. "It is why you never fabricate but eat reality despite your growing powers. There is only one lie you have told and it is the oldest question in the universe. Your name."

Squinting at the golden creature I remembered back to hell. The first day that i awakened in that dreadful white room. The screens that blared in my just opened eyes as i left the void to enter the light of life.

[your true name is; ßø¬∂'®'†]

"So what?" Scoffing at the dragon i contested. "I chose Strife as a name all the same. How can i lie when i can't even understand my own name?"

"Ah~ but you do know. You do understand your name, little mouse. Your afraid of the attachment it may bring however." Staying silent I didn't refute the father of horizon's words even as i clenched my fists tightly. "Your first thoughts were the memorial pain of two pitiful beings. You witnessed their loved ones questioning them, confuse their person, and detest who they were. You don't reveal your name so you can run from the truth as i have. It is why i am you, and you are i."

Anger was beginning to well up inside me as i clenched my jaw tightly, but soon after my rage dissolved and my once furled fists opened, hanging at my sides. "Can't i run?" Asking in a saddened tone i held back several tears as i looked up at the glorious golden orb and the sea of stars surrounding myself and the dragon. "Is it such a bad thing to want to escape the hypocrisy of what it means to be real? To at least lie to myself and no one else?"

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