Episode 21 : adventure to war

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Explosions of gold and silver light kept flashing from within the depths of the red forest Strife and Order were fighting in.

With each explosion, either the sound of a tree falling would come or the scream of a woman or man in pain would cry out high in the blue sky.

A glint of gold caught my eye from the forest and it came barreling right past me before i could even react, "Woah!"

All i knew was that something flew past me as wind rushed by, then a golden spear of energy embedded itself in a cracked wall far behind me. After a few seconds the spear collapsed in on itself and imploded out aether, collapsing the stone wall of a building making the entire structure fall over.

"Since when could Strife do that?" I asked to myself after recognizing the amber and silver coloration of aether that was unique to Strife.

As if to suffice for an answer a golden tree trunk was blasted up in the air crashing atop the roof of an overgrown building

[a distant regalius breaker activates!]

A palace of glass erected itself in an instant back in the forest where the brutal fight took place, towering over the entire red forest with it's glass tower high enough for me to see its central column and the dome atop of the mirroring crystal construct easily.

Giving an impressed whistle i chuckled meekly. "To think you could force Order activate a reglius breaker twice, Strife. Only Pettel ever managed that before without killing her."

Looking down to my right, hiding beneath a large piece of slanted stone against the building i saw Neveah deep in meditation, slowly absorbing Order's cylinder shaped ego core as it crumbled in the young girls hands.

It baffles me how the current kralscell's of Control and flowers succeeded in the complete mental takeover of another ego. Its such a long process that for the last 20 minutes since Strife took the fight into the forest, Neveah has only consumed three-tenths of it.

Not that it will matter that much soon enough. Now that Order has activated her regalius breaker twice she has to be low on aether and the after effects of using so much aether must be hitting her hard right now. She must be struggling to think straight currently.

Breaking through the ceiling of the mirroring palace, amber-silver poles punched through the glass roofs different segments repeatedly appearing one after another before all exploding and shattering the mirrors leaving a black tear in the palace's outline. "Ahhhhh!"

"Another scream from Order. Thats good." Acknowledging the pained echo i brushed off the side of my black camo trousers. Reaching into a pocket atop my calf i pulled out a can of beer growing a smile as i felt the weight of its content. "I wonder what imaginary liquor is like?"

Right as i pushed in the top of the can hearing the fizzle of bubbles, the palace made of mirrors in the distance exploded in a massive bomb of silver and orange light shooting glass across the entire red and gold coloured forest area.

Looking up and down briefly before i drank i waited for another stray spear to come flying right for me but none came. Raising the can to my lips i inhaled its contents leaving not even a drop of alcohol left.

"Tastes the same as I remember." Despite being slightly disappointed by the revelation i crushed the can to as near to a disc shape it would get and put the trash in my pocket not wanting to litter in the little girls mind

"Haa... haa..." trudging out of the forest, panting for air to fill his lungs, covered in his own blood and dragging what looked like a crystal corpse behind him, Strife emerged from the forest with golden and silver markings split in half across his body. His right side was glowing gold like the sun and his left emanated silver like the moon.

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