Episode 24 : stress of insanity

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Thorn didn't say anything but nudged me slightly with his wing from my shoulder, understanding why I had done it. He and I suffered together in hell but I was the one who had no help in trying to attain strength. Everything I've built up from aether was done by my own hand.

"I can't believe it! My first arcana ring will be a pure ring! Only geniuses or children from wealthy families can normally get something like this!" Forgetting his happiness for a moment the school boy that was a younger version of me from a separate dimension showed a furious look. "I promise I'll protect you with this, sis!"

Intrigued by the sudden hate the child radiated I wondered what the story behind such bloodlust was. Saying nothing however I understood matters of vengeance are not so easy to share. I wish to kill my creator and his brother after all.

I only hope his hate doesn't become his blood.

"Let's begin the fusion!" Using his weaker version of aether the school boy began spinning the golden halo in the air between him and the ink knight as I stood next to him.

As the ring spun the ink knight opposite him began to get sucked into the vortex. First the head was gone then in a steady stream the inky knights whole body vanished into the edges of the golden glowing ring

[aspect: taker of all, has lost an origin knight]

Feeling my connection get cut off from the spirit I could tell it had been killed properly in the process. If he has to do that for eight more beasts this kid won't have an easy time. The beast's of his dimension are probably dwindling rapidly as a result of such a technique as well.

"Congratulations on your success." Holding the boy's shoulder I could tell something was trying to drag him back immediately but because I was so close it refrained from doing so. "With this your path becomes clearer I hope."

"You have no idea! With this I can now properly protect my sister." With a big grin the child version of myself from another dimension smiled happier than any other child I had seen. "I may even get into Prevestnight academy now! Only the best of the best can go there!"

"It's nice and all to be happy but don't go getting conceited." Speaking up from my shoulder Thorn brought the little boy back to reality. "Just because you've gained some power it doesn't mean your king of the world. As you grow so too will anyone that can oppose you. Targets of vengeance included." Playing the boy's emotions Thorn managed to get him to collect himself quickly

"Good work." I whispered in compliment to Thorn. After leaving a trace of aether on the boy i lifted my hand from his shoulder, "you might run into some trouble once you get back to your dimension. Activate your ring and try out your ability so you can be prepared."

"Why?..." looking confused I forgot that despite being sharp at times this kid really is quite dumb

"Your teachers right now have no idea where you have gone. They are probably panicking and a high ranking official of the Cog Tower, someone much stronger than you, will want answers on your experience here. You can't tell them about meeting me -a variant of yourself in another dimension- else you could be experimented on or worst case, killed."

"Right!" Immediately understanding his situation the boy called forth the power of his ring covering his arm in shadowy black armour. He didn't let himself become ruled by his new powers and immediately tested his current strength thrusting a punch forwards shaking the air. "How was that?"

After examining the after effects i gave him an answer. "In my dimension you'd be around mid to peak bronze grade. That's near the bottom but it's still pretty good for a beginner mage."

"So maybe noble-class then? In stages of strength it goes; serf, noble, lord, duke, judgment, emperor, and sovereign back in my world." Furling and unfurling his black gauntlet the school kid got accustomed to his powers

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