Episode 26 : finding the prison

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"Star-alpha tower, do you read me? This is Dachau of Ignis . Hello?" Speaking into the microphone, trying to send a signal to Grigel base my desperation for a hero to come was really starting to get to me. Twisting a dial on an box i adjusted the frequency, "is there anyone on this radio? Enigiemand daar? einhver þarna? Hello?!"

Static silence alone responded in the ears of the headset i wore making me drown in the despair i felt.

"Curse you god. Why the hell did you put me here?" Whispering to myself i trie to rid the dire thoughts from my brain but fortunately the doors to the comma room opened to distract me.

"Dachau!" Yelling as he entered, Terry grabbed my shoulders tearing the headset from my ears. "Somethings happening outside the prison! The apocalyi are getting frantic!" Shaking me back and forth in the plastic chair i was sitting in Terry gave me no chance to properly think straight. "Everyones looking out the ballistic glass to see what's happening. Come on!"

"Wait wait wait!" Getting dragged out of the room by Terry i could see others from Ignis pressing their faces against the glass down the corridor.

Bean, Rubix, Cypher, and several other members of Ignis that escaped the slaughter at Auron defence were looking through the windows and out into the water trying to catch glimpses of what hid in the darkness.

"Coming through!" Pushing through the crowd Terry brought me to the front to see just what was happening.

"What the..." i couldn't believe it. The the mermaid apocalyi were swarming towards an orange light that emanated from one of the caves in the underwater cavern the prison was located in. "Does Pip know about this?"

"Probably. Jinx and Scorch were the first to report it over radio. Now everyone is trying to get a view." Terry said not even looking at me with his flat nose pushed against the window.

If it was told over radio then it makes sense that i missed the announcement. I was messing with the comma relay to Grigel base after all.

"Kyakkkk!!!" Bashing against the ballistic glass one of the apocalyi tried to claw their way inside prompting several of the men that were watching the orange light before to raise their guns and ready to shoot at the apocalyi.

"Lower your weapons!" Belting out my voice i stopped the idiots before they could shoot. "If you shoot your going to break the glass and we'll have another breach!" Shoving a mans handgun to point at the floor i sighed at the lacking awareness to danger each Ignis member had.

Putting their gun's back down the men turned the safety's back on and put their weapons back to their waists. I don't know why that lady said we should keep our weapons on hand when it's more dangerous than if one of the apocalyi breach again.

Giving up trying to get inside the apocalyi swam off towards the orange light coming from the cave.

As i and all the others watched the apocalyi swim through the waters, the orange light continued to grow brighter, getting closer towards the prison it would seem. Whatever or whoever the light belonged to was pushing through the apocalyi so they definitely had to be capable and daring to come down here.

"Do you think it's a rescue squad from Grigel?"

"Rose said that was impossible, didn't she?"

"She's a crazy bitch. You can't take anything she says seriously."

The men talked behind me and the only explanation i could think of was that a rescue squad had come. There are other apocalyi hidden within the darkness of the waters that are more dangerous than the mermaids but the prisons defense turrets are keeping them from getting near thankfully.

Taken Horizon Origin, volume 2, DescensionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon