Episode 27 : understanding war

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Continuing to overlook the battlefield and strategise any needed changes everything continued to move along smoothly for the moment.

Thorn and the flak cannons were keeping any and all of the enemy's aerial ships that were flying above Grigel away from landing within the city directing them outside the walls where Strife's taken-spirits dealt with those that landed on the ground.

"Kralscell of adventure, Raptor." Popping up out of nowhere a black knight that towered over me being easily 8-feet in size scared the ghost out of me. "I have come to request your aid in strategic movements of the taken legion."

"Mother-!" Jumping back in a fright from the black knights sudden appearance I nearly dropped the binoculars I was using to oversee the battle. "I-is that so?" Trying to retain my composure I acted as if I was never afraid even though I was sweating from my forehead. "Well, try having the more defensive units take the front and have the rangers stand at the back line."

"I will relay this to my captains." The knights ink body writhed next to me and as the tall knight crossed his arms he stayed standing next to me. In silence.

'Was he expecting more? Why's he still here?' Asking myself I scooted away slightly getting distance from the knight

An change took place in the battle outside Grigel and suddenly a large unit of ink-spirits headed by tough looking bulldozer-like monsters changed straight into the blue laser fire of the pantheon; <Celtic's> soldiers breaking through their front line shortly after.

"Tell them to circle around the enemy now to surround them from the back! We can stop any opposing units from sneaking into Grigel this way!" Getting carried by the momentum of the sudden breach in the enemy line I instructed the black knight and the black wave quickly did as I recommended.

"An excellent stratagem, kralscell Raptor." The knight nodded in thanks to me and now it was only a matter of time until the enemy was all dead.

"It's no problem uh... knight? You don't have a name I imagine?" Trying to act casually with the tall ink knight I realised it didn't have a name. Not that I think Strife gave it one anyway since I know for certain Thorn would have named himself.

"My name is Ingrik. Right hand of the kralscell of sentience." The ink knight fixed my thoughts making me gape at the fact it had a name.

"I never thought Strife was that solicitous. I guess Thorn persuaded him to name it something proper." Mumbling to myself I still couldn't believe the knight had a name of its own. "Seems like Strife's not so uncaring for names after all."


Shockwaves forced themselves against my back and turning around to look in the city with Ingrik I saw Pettel was managing to fight three gods alone with his tornado of black sand. Elysia and Maren's respective fights were being taken all across the city in rages of ice and fire magic from their opponents while Etrill had to try and fight against a swift poisonous shadow and the barrage of white flames from the Belenus guy.

"Now that he's in the city Sofia can't hold him back! Dammit!" Punching the wall with my fist I tried to think on any method I could that would take the stress off from Etrill before he was killed.

During can fight but he's protecting project chariot. Yun, Neveah, and Denny the new kralscell of control are too weak to be of help and Strife is busy ensuring Prophet doesn't interfere. If he could persuade her to help us that would be great but I doubt that will be the case.

"If there is something wrong I can provide it assistance personally to ensure victory." Ingrik offered his services but I was not certain if he would last long.

Taken Horizon Origin, volume 2, DescensionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora