Episode 28 : the stars are oh so far

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After expending my two uses of [void step] i had managed to shorten the journey to the space station by 2 kilometres. We had already walked a third of the final kilometre making it much simpler to hear Thorn's mental messages.

'Prophet just killed another captain.' Thorn reported. 'Get over here, pisspot! We can only hide in the hanger for so long!'

I go any faster I'm not going to have any oxygen left to reach you, Thorn! All the soldiers on the moon are busy keeping clear of the danger zone beneath the battleship, i cant steal anymore. Replying in a frustrated tone i tried to shut Thorn up from his complaints.

'I don't care if you drown in space. I want to get out of here before the herculean god in this place figures out we are hiding inside his ship!' Thorn stressed in response.

All you can do is hang tight so do it. We'll be there in thirteen minutes.

Tapping my shoulder Raptor pulled me back and pointed right in front of my face towards what looked like a pot bellied man bigger than any person i had seen before standing alone on the moon wearing Viking garments and only a mask to provide oxygen. As if the coldness of space was nothing to him.

Thorn... i think <Asgard> is one of the pantheons here. After sending the mental message i waved to Raptor and Invoker, urging them to hurry behind me so we could hide behind rock formations on the moon.

'Really? What makes you say that?' Following Thorn's question a violent tree made of pure lightning lashed up into the air from where i previously saw the lone man that struck right into the side of project chariot's rear hull, taking out all the engines on the right side making the giant battleship drift to the side.

Climbing over the rock i saw the man holding up a silver hammer in the air looking disinterested in the war above. "That's fucking Thor..." the myths i knew about Thor make him out as nothing to scoff at. According to one tale i read he made the personification of death itself struggle in a brawl they had. Maybe Pettel could do that but i doubt i could do something like that with my current strength.

'Wait, Thor is there? The giant killer and one of the most blood hungry deity's in every myth ever recorded? That Thor?!' Thorn was just as astonished as i was judging by his voice as he expressed pure worry.

Darting his eyes in my direction Thor looked across the silence of the moons surface. I had hidden myself behind the rock just before he looked but that is one incredible sixth sense he's got when I'm using my control over the void to completely remove my, as well as Invoker and Raptor's, presences.

Flying off into the darkness of space Thor flew with his body bathed in blue lightning, heading towards one of the enemy flagship's flying straight through the battlefield of giant bullets without a care in the world, deflecting an ordnance shot down into the moons surface causing a massive explosion in the distance.

"He really isn't something to be messed with..." muttering to myself i was gladdened Thor hadn't noticed us. Pushing away from the rock I signalled towards Raptor and Invoker with a gesture to continue our space walk and i led onwards.

Coming over a ridge on the moon i spotted the space station and the crashed escape pod in it's roof. Several patrols were watching the bases perimeter but it didn't matter that much to me.

Once Raptor and Invoker had caught up i pointed to a lone squad and then sliced my hand in front of my neck. The two men shook their heads telling me not to go but i had already decided.

Pushing off the grey dirt, [void step] carried me through the space and i appeared right behind the group of three men. With a quick and precise slash with my sword; [sigrid], the three men had their necks severed and their heads floated off from their bodies leaking blood into space.

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