Episode 25 : megalithic infiltration

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"We all prepared?" Placing a black handheld gun into a holster on his hip Raptor looked at the ten other people present on the cliff side plus Thorn as he nested on my scalp. Not getting any negative response Raptor turned to the man wearing goggle's atop his eyes. "Durvin, if you would be so kind to draw out the target."

Stepping forwards Durvin held a metal egg in his hand. After sighing loudly the kralscell of invention threw the metal egg through the air letting it splash into the lake. The egg sank beneath the surface and raised a fist in the air pulling one finger out after the other. "Three. Two. One..."


Erupting up into the atmosphere the lake water gushed out onto the cliffs surrounding the basin as waves crashed together


Like the horn of apocalypse a dreadful mechanical boom wailed in the air as the vapour in the wind dispersed to reveal our metal adversary. "I think it's angry." As the <quest line> in it's shifting snake-like mechanised body emerged from the water Thorn commented sounding unbothered

"Why don't you go and make that official?" I suggested, letting the black raven scoff as he flew off down into the basin growing massively by the second until he was just as long as the 60-foot innovation of technology.

Spotting Thorn the blue glowing core of the <quest line> flashed red and a barrage of fire and bullets was immediately targeted for the silver flaming phoenix. The two titanous creatures clashed above the water spewing fire onto the other and the battle began. The giant black bird battling the mechanical python tearing eachother apart

"Good luck in there." Jumping down the cliff Pettel headed down to battle along with Etrill and Sofia as Durvin prepped his silver sniper rifle with it's box shaped scope

Watching the ephemeral phoenix battle the metal python above the water i remembered briefly on how the <quest line> tried to inject me with those nanobots when i first arrived to try and mind control me. I wonder if it will try that again with any of the other kralscell's if it get's the chance.

"Ready?" Holding Elysia close Raptor directed his voice to me.

Cracking my neck i said, "you may get sick."

Neveah grabbed my leg tightly after i said this while Maren and Invoker shared disgruntled expressions as they placed their hands on my shoulders.

"I doubt it will be that bad." Putting his hand atop Maren's shoulder Raptor sucked in a breath readying himself for the torque

"We'll see." Stepping forwards [void step] dragged along the added baggage of five others draining me of more aether than usual.

Briefly appearing above the water for no more than a second i [void stepped] again taking even more aether as we arrived atop the sleek stone entry platform of the monolithic tower.

Immediately running off both Elysia, Maren, and Neveah went to puke over the side from the after effects of being dragged through the void and space consecutively. "Ugh..." Invoker had a headache but Raptor seemed nearly fine.

"That was interesting." The other's groaned as they disagreed with Raptor making several piles of half digested across the smooth black marble flooring

duohhhh!! Duh!

While waiting for them to recover i looked back seeing Etrill had already gotten massive in size knee deep in the water thrusting a gigantic flaming fist into the gears of the mechanical python as Thorn dug his talon's into it's back flapping his wings heavily atop the water trying to lift the titan of metal up. Several black javelins pierced the <quest lines> side and i saw Pettel riding a board of black sand atop the throbbing waves of the struggle.

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