Episode 22 : damned odds

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Later in the day the sun had now set and the constant full moon of <archon hold> was now risen in the sky, not at all far from being directly atop Ignis base.

Standing outside along with maybe 200 hundred of the 600 remaining soldiers in Ignis that got left behind we watched the silvery-white light of the moon with a slight wonder with all the light pollution of the base now turned off.

That buzzing from earlier has not vanished and actually grown stronger in the past few hours since I had heard it making it about as annoying a being stuck with a screaming child and morals in a confined space. If i could find the sounds damn source i would rip out whatever it uses to make noise then dig a grave for it to be trapped in until it died.

"Easy, Gyurt! Easy." Tending the spectral bull-turtle things at the end of his and lady Sif's Viking spaceship that i refuse to call anything but, Mimir was ensuring the ghostly bulls were well and ready enough to drag the hunk of reinforced wood and metal behind them. "Odd. Very odd," combing his hand through his beard Mimir took a step back trying to figure something out

Looking away from the moon i faced him and asked, "whats the matter?"

"The beast's are all frightened. No clue what it could be though I'm afraid."

Raising a brow i walked to Mimir's side and asked, "these things are sentient?"

"Aye. Not capable of actual thought per say, but the creatures do understand the instinct of survival." Noticing me scratching the back of my ears in discomfort Mimir gave me a dubious look, "what's tha' matter with you?"

"Weird buzzing has been in my ear for the last few hours. I'm getting tempted to put in ear plugs." Rubbing even harder behind my ears aether nearly moved to amplify my ears hearing by accident but the second I realized I stopped massaging my ear letting the aether eternal to its spirals within my veins. "You wouldn't happen to know any medical techniques to help would you?"

"I'm a wise drunk not a physician, lad. If I knew such things ordinary men would call me the god of bloody self care." Mimir lectured distastefully as he waved an un-drunk mug of what smelled like honeyed mead in my face.

"Noted." I replied back with a huff, still irritated by the ceaseless buzzing in my ear. "How long until you depart then? I'm keen for Cayde and Silven to no longer be my problem."

Raising his thumb right up into the sky Mimir was doing something to measure the size of the fake moon as it travelled above us as he took another sip of his mead. Tossing his mug to the floor he said, "we can leave now, though lady Sif seems to still be preoccupied." Mimir grumbled quickly but glancing to my left. "But you not gonna give them a weapon to defend themselves? Sure we'll be dropping them off at Vanaheim on our way back to Asgard but it never hurts to have some extra steel."

Glancing over at the Silven and Cayde who were being occupied by Neveah and other troops questions about their home worlds images of [invective] and [cursed duality] drifted into my mind. They aren't needed anymore since I've got my long range spell [breach surge] and my scale armor that can manifest gauntlets along with my aether weapon spell constructs like [fragarach] but it would be a lie to say they don't make me feel at ease. "I'll think about it."

"Think quickly then. Lady Sif can only keep brushing her hair for so long." Mimir chuckled and hearing an object flying through the wind i stepped away from Mimir and the blunt edge of a wooden dagger struck right against his bald skull with a loud crack. "I think... she's done." Letting out a final jeer before he passed out Mimir fell down right at my feet

Amused i gave a little huff and bent down to pick up the lethal toy. Admiring the woodworking of the dagger i wondered if it was perhaps a gift from another god that had some value to lady Sif. Leaving my curiosity at that i extended my hand out giving the wooden dagger back to its owner, "here."

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