Episode 28 : failed escapade

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"What happened? Why is the planet flinging rocks at us?" Standing at the edge of an open terrace at the side of the warship i watched on as a meteor storm crashed into the sides of the other pantheons warships.

Fortunately my warship was to the far left and amongst the furthest from the planet as it chucked meteors out of it's atmosphere. The 47 other warships were collectively acting as a shield for my warship even if they didn't like it.

Turning to a servant near me i gave them a request. "Thruddie, send a message to the captain telling him to move the ship. We're retreating back to <Asgard>, we're lucky to of only lost a few gods in this war of archons."

"Yes, all-father." The woman looked at me with relief and immediately ran off to pass on my greetings to the captain.

[skill: Gungnir, silences]

The golden spear in my hand stopped its charging of energy and returned to being an ordinary hunk of metal forged by the finest of craftsman among the dwarves.

I was going to try my hand at killing the kralscell of sentience but given the current situation it's best to back off.

[you have withdrawn from the quest: archon war]

[the <quest line> is angered by your decision!]

"You can piss off. As powerful as you are <quest line> you can't harm me unless i break your rules. I've never liked your games to begin with." Walking away from the terrace in a huff i handed Gungnir to an asgardian guard and headed for my throne. "I came here to see the world-ender's you mentioned. If they can turn a planet into a weapon i'd rather be in my bed back home."

[the <quest line> offers greater rewards to pantheons that stay to fight]

Ignoring the beeping of the blue screens appearing beside me I continued to walk off, quickly heading for my throne inside the warship despite my old body.

"Father!" Popping out from behind a pillar the thorn of all aesir greeted me. "I heard that we are leaving the war effort. Considering it's our cultural tradition to live in order to die in a fight, this is quite the surprise."

"Loki you snivelling creeper, if you plan to cause trouble I'll have Thor throw you down there to fight alone." Backing away from my threat the god of trickery laughed meekly before following behind me. "You already know we initially came to uphold the conditions of the greater pantheons treaty. Now that those affairs have been upheld we can't risk the safety of all <Asgard> just to uphold some measly honour."

Walking through a hall adorned with golden walls in the warship i neared my throne room as the slimy man stuck like glue to my side. "Oh no, no. You misunderstand my intentions, father. I'm here to tell you that my associate from <Tinklegaen> attempted to smuggle a Kralscell onto their warship."

Interested in this news i glanced over at Loki with my only eye telling him to keep talking as we walked together.

"My associate was halted in his path by the onslaught of meteor's and his pantheon's warship is already on it's last legs. It's a shame they'll be destroyed before he can arrive so he's been forced to return to the moon's surface."

"What about the sudden meteor shower. Any idea on what caused that?" Reaching the end of the golden hallway the two guards waiting opened the door for me and the doors opened leading into my throne room where Thor was waiting as he watched he events unfold from the floating screen atop my throne.

"According to what my eyes have reported, it was dearest brothers battle buddy that caused that. It costed his health greatly but even for someone immortal the homunculus was determined to stop my associate from smuggling the kralscell onto his ship."

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