Episode 21 : mind raid

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Running my fingers through Neveah's long hair i felt its greasy and unwashed touch run along my fingers. She probably hasn't been in <archon hold> much longer than myself but a shower or bath would be good for her.

"I should ask Raptor when Order was last killed." Neveah grumbled to my words holding my hand tightly as she slept while i sat next to her atop metal the table she slept on.

Pulling Neveah's blanket up to keep her warm i was reminded of the first time i met Aster on Shatterre. She was scared and all alone just like Neveah but she didn't hold my hand nearly as tight.

The door leading into the room rattled and an annoyed grunt could be heard from the failed attempt of opening it. "Strife, you gonna let me in? The knight outside let me in so i assumed you were willing to talk."

[skill: hollow void, summons]

A black and white ink knight morphed out from my shadow and stumped its way over to the door before carefully using its liquid swords edge to cut through the welded metal and quietly open the door. Placing a finger in front of its visor for Raptor to be quiet.

At first he was confused then Raptor saw me sitting with a sleeping Neveah and tip toed his way over, speaking in a whisper. "How'd you get her to sleep?"

"I didn't." I whispered back. "The girl that originally owned this body swapped out with Order then fell asleep. I've just been keeping her company." Raising my hand i showed the young, maybe 14 year old girl, was gripping my hand tightly before placing it back down.

"Ah~." Raptor had a happy grin on his face. Not in the way of perversity but rather as if he had heard some good news. "This case isn't uncommon with Kralscell's. The same happened with the kralscell's of control and flowers before. One of three things can happen though. The first is that Order erases the girl, and the second is the opposite of that. If the third thing can happen then we'll be in business."

Motioning Raptor to go on i hushed out, "what is the third thing?"

"The girl consumes Order and takes all her memories becoming the new kralscell of Order perfectly! She would be unchanged mentally but would already understand all of her abilities. It's just a matter of practice." Raptor saw an uncomfortable look cross Neveah's face as she nearly woke. Grabbing my shoulder he said, "you need to learn how to invade others minds if we want to ensure that."

"Is that something only the kralscell of Sentience can do?" I quizzed quietly

"No, its an easy thing for all Kralscell's. It'll just be easier if i have a helping hand in there that can hold Order's mental personification off while i search for her ego-core." Scuttling away with minced steps Raptor said his final words, "i need to call in a favor. Use the feather you stole from Durvin to keep her asleep!"

Vanishing around the corner Raptor left quickly and i was left nearly speechless.

The summoned ink knight looked at me funnily as if to ask what that was all about while i was questioning how to get that feather out of my chest.

"How am i supposed to get that out of me? If Thorn was awake then maybe i could understand where it went but nothing about me has changed since i absorbed the feather. You have any ideas?" The ink knight shrugged and evaporated from sight returning to the mindscape

If i could ask Seririna or Forhorn about the feather i would but it's better to wait for them to contact me if i don't want the 'eye' to take notice of me when i already have to deal with the <quest line>.

Trying to imagine it just appearing on my hand the feather didn't appear. I figured it would not be that easy but still i sighed. Feathers are traditionally things you find on birds, if i plucked one of my bodily hairs would it turn into the feather?

Taken Horizon Origin, volume 2, Descensionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें