Episode 26 : crack in the sky

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"How may the Dainsleif knight's serve you, my liege?" Ingrik bowed down on one knee in his massive height with a new right arm along with his changed body that was now made of pure liquid ink. He still had the same violet eyes as before showing his loyalty for me within them.

Looking behind me i could see Raptor punching the white screen of the computer atop the lone column at the centre of the pit. His furious expression revealing his struggle was maddening.

"Rest for now. I'll call you when there's something i can't do alone." Gripping [sigrid's] handle in my left hand i realised i needed a new sword holster.

"As you command, my liege." Warping out from existence like a mirage fading from sight, the army of a hundred of ink knights faded from reality, emptying the black corridor letting the white lights in the walls only cast shadows from my figure holding the new black sword in my left hand.

"Fucking shit trinkie piece of enclic garbage!" Punching the screen with both hands Raptor cursed loudly with words i had never heard of before but were undoubtedly curses and swears from other worlds.


"Huh?" Stopping his angry assault with his fists against the white screen Raptor read the new text that appeared on the cracked white screen of the obsidian computer. "Granted... entryway... deactivation? What's being deactivated?"

Confused Raptor tried to decipher more of the text but the screen seeped into the black stone as sirens blared from the wall's.

Breep! Breep! Breep!

The white lights of the corridor i stood in flashed red and the narrow platform Raptor was upright on wobbled.

In the nick of time [void step] took me right to the man's side and grabbing his waist with my right arm and i took Raptor off the platform as i jumped backwards back to the corridor before the platform dove back into the pit.

"What happened?" Trying to get a measure of the situation i tossed Raptor over my shoulders with my right arm as i ran down the flashing red corridor, heading to the exit still holding [sigrid] in my left hand.

"I've done something but i don't know what!" Shouting his voice over the blaring alarms Raptor yelled on, "the last bit i deciphered read something about failsafes deactivating and <archon hold> being destroyed!"

Shocked by this i picked up the pace as i sprinted through the room that the Dainsleif knights previously slumbered in. "A self destruct sequence?" I asked conveying frightened concern

"I don't know! Somethings going to be falling apart though so keep running!" Shouting from over my shoulders as i carried the man, Raptor urged me to keep running to escape as soon as possible

Stamping my foot down as i ran i repeatedly [void stepped] from one corner to another wasting more aether than i would have liked until we got to the room leading into the central tower with the waterfall hiding the entrance. "Hang on!"

Gripping my coat with his hands Raptor held onto me tightly as i activated [mach rush] to take us flying through the waterfall in a spray of water droplets. Gliding through the air the <quest line> in it's massive size was slithering directly in front of where i was headed.

"Oh crap!!" Shouting his lungs out Raptor braced for us to crash into the black python's mechanical hide.

With no way to avoid colliding with the <quest line> i reached my legs forwards hoping they would take the brunt of the impact and shield Raptor.

Shooting in from the side a giant fiery hand caught us as we flew, swiping us away from danger as we got lifted up in the air.

"I found them!" Etrill's loud voice made it clear it was his giant hand that currently held me and Raptor as the large hand partially closed around us just enough to not crush myself and Raptor

Taken Horizon Origin, volume 2, DescensionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ