Episode 19 : ignis corp

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"Run-run-run-run!" Thorn shouted as he panicked, flying behind a pillar to block a laser aimed right at him

Scales rose up from beneath my skin to cover my body but unlike normal where they would completely cover me in a coat of armor. They simply clung to my skin making a pale scale pattern across my torso.


The pillar Thorn hid behind exploded into several pieces with a beam attack from the <quest lines> eye sending debris flying all around the circular stairwell and fall into the lake of water below the silo

It'll have to do for now! I thought in a panic seeing the devastation.

Beams and bullets shot all around me as the <quest line> sprouted new weapons from it's geared sides while I sprinted up a flat staircase that winded up the silo I was escaping from.

Stones flew all over with each missed shot, crumbling rocks from the walls and roof as they fell in my path.

"Halt!" Running in my path a man made entirely from metal pulled back his fist aiming to punch me.

Running at him i furled my gauntlets fingers and threw a punch head on, meeting the knuckles of my blockers iron hand head on. With a crack the metal alloy hand broke apart and crumbled onto the floor as he stood dumbfounded.

As i continued past a large black rock fell atop the man, crushing him into the floor.

Gathering aether in my legs i prepped to use [mach rush] and right as i was about to push off my back foot, the black mechanical python lunged its head right in front of my path blocking the stair case off.

Moving inside the amalgamation of black shapes, a red eye flashed a menacing crimson light in my face as it stared at me.

[<quest line> demands you submit to memory alteration!]

"As if!" Aether gathered in my knuckles creating a [severance fist], upon contact with the black metal mass. silver wind blasted out from my fist opening a path through the snake as hundreds of the pieces that made up its body flew about

I always imagined that the <quest line> was some sort of machine when i first learned about it. I never did think i would have to run from it though!

"Stop bitching and start running!" Taking a tight left turn Thorn flew around a corner as he berated me. An explosion of pale silver fire and melted stone then shook the walls as smoke and rubble blasted out from where Thorn vanished


A gatling of mana bullets shot through my leg tearing off the flesh completely ignoring the faint protective scales across its skin.

Groaning in pain aether flushed down my ligament immediately mending the scores of missing flesh, remaking my calf from the ground up.

Pushing off my newly fixed leg i dived to the side avoiding a cannon shot as it tore apart the wall to my left blasting me sliding across the floor through the sharp stones and dropping boulders landing right in front of the silo's entrance.

Bustling to my feet atop the smooth stone floor, i ran down the corridor going through the detonated slab of stone Thorn had destroyed


Gawking back down where i had just escaped from, i could see the red eye of the mechanical python gathering energy as wires from the walls plugged themselves into the crimson glowing core.

Knowing there was no escape even if i used [mach rush] or [void step] to rush down the corridor. My body turned and raised my hands, empowering the [Teslesto distortion rune] inscribed on my lower back. Making a series of walks made from translucent black crystal. Completely blocking off the entire corridor in hopes of halting the attack

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