Episode 26 : Grigel control

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Watching from afar i could see that Grigel base was more like a modern city than a military base but that didn't mean it was something to laugh at.

There are rows of tanks guarding outside the steel walls that must account for a thousand in total with what i can see.

"I'm seeing a mix of different company's currently." Using a pair of advanced binoculars made by Durvin, Raptor scoped out the lit up city while the rest of us waited behind him atop the hill. "Survivor's from Ignis have made it along with the other military's. Look like a massive alliance to protect themselves from Prophet and her corrupted hoard was made."

"So long as we prove we've not been corrupted we should be able to get in easily, right?" Speaking up Maren gathered most of the groups attention while i and Pettel kept an eye out on our surroundings. "Why are we standing out here then straddling our tails?"

'That's a new phrase.' Thorn thought with an audible eye roll

"Iron, the leader of Grigel, isn't necessarily on the best of terms with me. He's uh... pretty pissed whenever i meet him even though he used to be a commander of Ignis." Trying to laugh off the awkward atmosphere Raptor scratched his cheek, unsure of how he should avoid heading into the city.

"There's not really a need to enter the city." Helping Raptor out Invoker spoke up. "Other than comfortable quarters we have enough food and materials to get us by for a few weeks thanks to Pettel and Strife's spatial storages. Setting up a camp and tents will be enough until someone attempts to escape through the opening in the atmosphere."

Looking up into the sky the black hole in the roof of <archon hold> was as dreading as ever.

The opening in the sky had to be at least half a mile wide in diameter going by this distance alone with how gaping it is. The only problem is that it's 2000 kilometers high in altitude. The air will be too thin for wings to try and fly so only rocket ships like the silver turtle Durvin made could climb it.

"I could really go for a shower though..." moaning aloud Elysia twirled a finger in her short pink hair emphasizing it's greasiness and need for a good brushing along with Sofia and Neveah who nodded next to her

Meanwhile, the boys in the group along with myself just looked at each other awkwardly when we didn't particularly mind it.

None of us could use water magic as far as i was aware either. My aether ink might be close to water but i doubt the girls would want to use it to try and clean themselves when it's closer to black tar in it's properties.

"Why don't just a few of us go into the city then to escort the girls." Proposing his thought's Yun nodded his head slightly. "If there's anything we need i can barter for a few thing's while Strife comes with me to act as a courier."

Wondering why the position of 'postman' had been placed on me i raised my brow in question.

"This way, the girl's can do what's needed and we can get some extra supplies out of the city with Strife's help while we wait. Sound good?"

Although i found it annoying to be demoted to a simple courier with my spell [void step], I couldn't see much fault in the plan as Pettel and Etrill would still be left behind to guard the camp while the other four set up.

If worst comes to worst they can jump onto the ship and fly away as well.

"I'm all for it." Raptor shrugged not being against the plan.

"Some more cobalt for the ship's thruster's would be good." Durvin showed his support as well

Maren had some reservations but under the gazes of the three women i think he was too afraid to speak up while Etrill was zoning out looking bored out of his mind and Pettel wasn't that bothered that much alongside Invoker.

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