Episode 28 : sucked into space

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"Sir, theres been a report of Ignis platoon gathering inside a hall along with four of the kralscell's. should we send security to disperse them?"

Waving my hand in dismissal to the officer I pretended to ignore him as i dished out orders. "Finti squad has rebelled and locked themselves in one of the escape pods. Send Rohm squad to keep an eye on them."

"Yes, sir!"

"Danny, call the technician's and tell them to cut power to all unnecessary systems and divert it to the weapons and thrusters."

"Yes, sir."

Order after order i sent men and women to try and prolong the grace period we had so that Strife could finish his new spell. It was only a matter of time though until an uprising took over the bridge.

"Sir, Dres'iry and Yvet battalion's are moving through the cruiser headed straight for the bridge."

Spinning around on my heels i grabbed the officer who just reported this news harshly by the shoulders. "They're already revolting?! Where are they? We need to-"

The clicking of a gun rang in my ears from behind me and i let go of the officer. "Correction. We've already revolted."

Slowly turning around i saw a burly women with tusks sprouting out of her lips aiming her handgun at me.

"Hand over command of the ship to me and i won't shoot you."

"Seriously, Karen? You know what's waiting for us out there. Heading out now is only a death sentence." Urging the orc woman to reconsider i tried to stall for time.

"Hah. I know your just scared, Raptor. We all do." Several more guns got pulled out from hidden pockets and now the entire command deck had been taken over. "Everyone on <archon hold> may have respected you for being the first military but we all know your just a coward who hates fighting. Creating Ignis was just a way for you to use others as a shield."

"Maybe." Darting my eyes around i counted at least 30 soldiers with guns. I can escape into the vanishing realm but the ships moving. Where I'll end up is a mystery even if i stand still. "Are you really certain about this?"

A smug grin sprouted on Karen's fat face and she slapped me on the cheek with her gun. "Good choice, weakling."

"Urgh!" Collapsing to the ground blood dripped from my face from my fractured nose. Holding my bleeding face in my hands i looked up from the floor as Karen and her followers took control of the bridge while many of the operators complied quickly.

Banging her fist on a console atop the command platform Karen turned on the ships speaker system echoing her voice throughout. "This is your new commander speaking! All hands to battle stations! We're gonna charge through those that are trying to keep us from leaving this incarceration of despair!"

The bridge roared in cheers and project chariot started flying forward through the darkness, towards the hole of light in the distance leading to the expansiveness of the universe.

sneaking to my side Invoker helped pick me up from the floor and handed me a hand towel to hold against my broken nose. "Come on. We need to get out of here before the fighting starts." Putting my arm over his shoulder Invoker dragged my feet across the floor trying to pull me out of the bridge.

"Where are you running off to?" Grabbing Invoker by his collar a man pulled him back. Forced to drop me Invoker was lifted from his feet by the brute man. "You're going to want to be here to see this! Our glorious return!"

Groaning in pain on the floor I could only look up to see the result of Karen's pompous pride that would lead to the failure of our escape.

"Why are there?.." unable to comprehend the sheer magnitude of the enemy forces Karen gawked in fear of what she had just started.

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