Episode 21 : folly of humanity

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Wandering around the base there were bodies of passed out drunks all over the floor letting the suns gentle light wash over them as cold winds blew past. Looking down at at the floor atop the assortment of snoring soldiers Mimir was shirtless like always but now a beer bottle had nested in his beard.

"The more i meet gods the more i realize how human they are." Muttering under my breath i moved on finding two plastic chairs with two men on them covered by a pile of beer bottles.

Raptor was not here and Cayde along with Silven have both vanished.

There's patrols outside the compound and the watchtowers are manned.

No one left other than me last night according to the gate guards so Cayde and Silven have to be inside somewhere...

Hearing a door swivel open my eyes darted to one of the barrack buildings and i saw Raptor walking out with a heavy yawn.

Spotting me the fellow kralscell waved and walked his way towards me. "How goes the search? You find Invoker, yet?"

"Found his base but the mines are a pain." I mumbled in response. "Its almost like he's got an infinite supply of explosives. Nearly died three times last night but i glimpsed his shack at the center of a crater finally."

Failing to suppress it Raptor yawned and rubbed his eyes. "He's always been rather anti-social."

"So anti-social he has a need to fortify a rusted hut in the middle of nowhere with a maze of mines and automatic anti infantry machine guns?" My tired voice did well to emphasize my perplexed expression

"It does sound overkill when you say it like that." Giving a quick glance around Raptor sighed as he counted the number of passed out drunks. "Cayde should be asleep in the room you never use but Silven should be underneath someone here if not in a strangers bed. Have fun trying to fish them out."

Leaving me to suffer in my prowl Raptor walked off to the main building to do whatever it is that counts as work for him

Not wanting to look alone i turned inward. "Thorn you by any chance awake?" No response came. The shadow has been stealing my aether without a word for the past two days now, not shifting from his hibernation.

I'm starting to get worried, his hibernations have never taken this long before but all i can do now is have faith he'll wake up soon.

Grunting unpleasantly my right hand reached to my chest but as my hand raised up i took notice of its burn scars.

Reaching just past my wrist the once smooth and unblemished skin had been replaced with wrinkly and dark colored scarred skin looking nothing like my left hand. I hadn't been paying attention to it since it never bothered me but I'm sure Raptor isn't fond of it going by the quick glances he shared mid conversation.

"I should get a glove or something if someone points it out." I muttered.

"Thats an interesting scar." Catching me off guard Sif appeared. "There must be a story behind that."

Not showing any surprise on my face my hand dropped down to my side. She's a Viking, i recalled. If anything, rather than being disgusted by a scar she would see it as a badge of honor but not everyone shares the same sentiments.

"Do you care to tell me the story while carrying that poor excuse of an advisor? I'll answer any question in return."

Not knowing where Silven was and in need of a way to pass the time until my next inspection on Order i meandered over to the passed out drunk Mimir atop Sid's back and tossed him over my shoulder. "Where to?"

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