Episide 20 : dream feather

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Raptor seemed grateful to see me as i offered my hand. "Use your dark arts, wizard."

Aether fled out of my hand and crushed around the two men, making them vanish from sight as i teleported them with external [void steps]. Letting Raptor relax. "Here." Handing the commander five different metal plates with crests he was happy for my trinkets arrival.

"Good work. I'll add these to your accolades later, but i need your help with something else first, Strife." Tucking the metal scraps under his arm Raptor pulled out a picture from his chest pocket. "A messenger from another corp will be coming soon. Could you keep an eye on them as an escort?"

Taking the picture from his hand i was surprised by the person it held. "Why are they coming this time?"

"The apocalyi wave will be starting soon. Up in the north theres a place called Auron that used to be a city. Its nothin' but ruins now." Handing the plates to another soldier raptor continued. "This guests encampment is well known for making mines and grenades and we will need A WHOLE LOT of both to ensure less casualties."

"I saw raptors in the north-east more than usual. This explains why then." Tucking the picture into the spatial rune it vanished from thin air. "When will they arrive?"



"Now." Raptor looked unaffected by the cascading echoes of explosions in the distance as the earth trembled and a pink comet came flying down from the murky grey sky emanating aether.

Soldiers ofIgnis were running to get weapons, getting onto vehicles and marching towards the front gate. Aimed and ready for whatever was to come as they pointed their rifles, machine guns, and explosive ordinance at the front gate.

Noting Raptor's complete disregard for the situation i asked. "Is this normal?"

Sparing a quick glance Raptor sighed and hid his face. "Elysia is fond of her entrances and all the men are scared of her."

A mobile vehicle carrying a heavy gun that could decimate a person drove past us before halting to a stop behind the already massive wave of soldiers gripping their guns tightly as some hurried along carrying sandbags to build a stronger barrier than there already was at the gate.

Flying down from the barrack's roof Thorn perched himself on my shoulder as i watched the group of wizards ready a combined spell atop a watchtower. "How come?"

Hiding a dark expression Raptor's tiredness was audible. "You'll find out soon enough. Follow me." Walking through the waves of soldiers with Raptor, Thorn and i started to grow rather antsy on just who this 'Elysia' really is. We both sensed the aether and already i had a conclusion as to what they may be.

She must be at least platinum-grade in strength to pull off such a reaction from all of Ignis who are usually so carefree that it puts Thorn's laziness to shame. I have to admit I'm quite eager to find out what they are like.

As we approached the heavy metal doors i could hear the person on the opposite side muttering to themselves with my sharp hearing. "Ah~ i forgot to get a gift for Raptor. What should i do? Could i pass myself off as the gift?"

I could already tell the next five minutes would be entertaining with just that line alone.

"Open the gates!" Raptor shouted, and an alarm blared as the thick metal of the gate scraped across the rock floor, separating in two halves to reveal a lone woman wearing short leather shorts, a white blouse with frilly sleeves and a short sleeved pink leather padded jacket managing to pull off this cutesy but refined look.

"Ohio~! Its been so long since we've seen each other, Raptor~." Darting in the girl hugged Raptor tightly right next to me, pressing her cheek against his collarbone. She wasn't short considering the golden high heels she was wearing but she was purposely trying to act short.

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