Episode 25 : marble war

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Conjuring [fragarach] in my hands the golden spears glow lit up the darkness of the desolate room filled with bones and dust as i entered ahead of Raptor.

"Is it clear?" With his handgun drawn Raptor followed keeping five feet behind me.

There was nothing but black metallic stone surfaces covered in thick layers of dust and cobwebs with skeletons of people in chairs made of similar materials to the walls sitting in front of flat steep slanted stones.

"Strife? Is it clear?" Asking again Raptor took a step back being unsettled by my silence.

Detecting nothing with my aether sense and hearing nothing but the wind whistling gently I could only repress my scepticism. "For now. My gut's telling me somethings hiding though."

Pulling out a flashlight Raptor lit up the room scanning it from behind me whilst adding onto the light emanating from my spear. Nothing unseen before was new to my eyes with the brighter source of light still with only black stone and dust filling the supposed office.

"Try and find another door. I doubt the terminal will be here." I stated aloud whilst wiping my hand across the surface of the heavily slanted desk with a skeleton sitting in the chair beneath the askew black stone.

Venturing in now that it was confirmed to be safe Raptor kept jolting from left to right making sure nothing would creep up on him from the shadows.

After my continued touching a white square lit up a portion of the stretched out stone. "Here we go..." a keyboard grew out the stone beneath the screen and a blinking line flashed on and off repeatedly. Randomly tapping the keys of the keyboard text of an unknown language came up.

It wasn't god-tongue or brekken speech so it was something I couldn't read. That's annoying, i thought.

"Strife, found another door!" Calling my name i lifted up from the console i was messing around with seeing Raptor had already found our next objective as he entered the next room.

Running after him i jogged through the same diamond shaped doorway to then find Raptor standing in a massive hall whilst flashing the beam of his flash light on the statue of a knight similar to my taken spirits.

As i arrived at his side Raptor asked, "Why do these look so alike to those black knights of yours?"

"I don't know." Raising my golden spear it lit up more of the hall revealing the wall to be filled with more of these knights. "Keep your guard tight." I warned.

"I don't think i can get it any tighter." Raptor shot back, twirling around flashing the beam of light to each wall showing at least a hundred of these knights in each of the four walls. "Heads up. Twelve o'clock."

Tracing where Raptor was facing we saw the door was on the opposite side of where we had entered from. It was half closed meaning we could crawl under it but now i must question why only that is damaged compared to the rest of this place.

Taking the lead i walked through the hall with Raptor's flashlight glowing behind me.

Twitching to a subtle thrumming sound my ears warned to stop. Immediately catching my concern as i looked around for the source Raptor pressed his back against mine.


"What is that?" Hearing it as well now Raptor kept moving his flashlight around behind me


My eardrums filled with the sound of something crashing onto the ground in the darkness and all of my senses screamed at me to prepare. "Get down!" Wrapping my arm around Raptor i tackled him onto the floor as an orange beam cut through the air.

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