Episode 23 : not a puppet, a shattered wrath

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Strolling down the street Thorn kept himself hidden as he swam around my three hearts within my chest.

Looking to my left past the Fecalon soldiers harassing ordinary people i looked at a wanted poster of myself that was old and torn apart being viewed by several mercenary-like people with swords strapped to their waists.

"The puppet has to be tough to get such a reward for killing it."

"Stupid puppet. When i find it I'm going to show it why human's are superior."

"It's just a puppet. Without man it would never exist in the first place."

Seething internally i gritted my teeth and moved on as my pent up loathing for humanity got closer to bursting out of the mental wall i had set up. Pulling down the straw hat i had stolen to hide my face i continued to walk until i found the inn Tatsuo told me to meet him at.

Walking through two hanging pieces of cloth that were probably supposed to be the door the female receptionist at the front desk offered me a cheery wave accompanied by a bright smile. "Welcome to the Yuri's inn. How may i help you today?"

Approaching the desk i acted amicable. "A friend of mine, young man with spiky blonde hair should of come here-"

"Are you referring to mister Fukuzawa?" The girl asked, showing a slight sparkle in her eye.

Thorn matched my confusion as i wondered how good Tatsuo's behavior must have been. "Yes, that's him. Is he still around?"

"Why of course he is. He's talking with my mother in the back right now." Leaning over the desk the girl whispered to me in a hushed voice. "Could you by chance tell me if he's in a relationship or not?"

Thorn sniggered quietly as my face drooped to the magic of Tatsuo's charms. Despite my initial refusal to answer however i gave the girl what she wanted. "He's a monk technically so i don't think he's allowed a relationship beyond anything platonic."

"Aw... he's totally my type as well." While the girl sulked i walked past her going through a door hearing Tatsuo's pleading voice talking to a cranky woman's.

"Yuri, you need to realize monk Masaki sent me here only because he's worried about you!" Sounding as if he were being choked Tatsuo rushed his words together.

Looking around a corner in the kitchen i saw Tatsuo down on his knees being strangled to death by an immobile woman sitting on a wood carved wheelchair. Not sensing any proper killing intent i simply watched on, leaning against the corner as the girl's false smile made even Thorn tremble and as a result me as well.

"Oh? If only could appreciate the little things like myself and the air." Gripping tighter into Tatsuo's neck the girl started to make me properly worry as i saw no light from mana glow around Tatsuo to protect himself.

"I can't breathe!" Starting to go blue in his cheeks Tatsuo tapped the arms of his aggressor repeatedly, hoping to be freed.

"How ungrateful." Whilst the girl was having her fill she noticed me standing around the corner and i gave her a slight wave to show i wasn't a threat. Releasing her chokehold on Tatsuo's neck the girl fell back into her wooden wheelchair, "who are you?"

Brushing some of her bright red hair behind her ear the disabled girl displayed a noble air about herself which Thorn audible found affable in my mind. 'I like her.'

"Strife," i responded respectfully with a genial bow. "That person you were strangling told me to meet him here earlier."

"Ugh, your both just as heartless as the other." Rubbing his neck Tatsuo groaned out load and the fiery woman immediately lifted up her lifeless leg and threw it down atop Tatsuo's back. "Ow! Ow! Stop kicking... wait, how are you kicking me?"

Taken Horizon Origin, volume 2, DescensionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang