Episode 20 : invoked allies

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"This is really just a militaristic themed hotel, isn't it?" As I asked Raptor I peeked into the lounge seeing several supposed mages playing games together or just chatting while wearing military uniforms, some altered some not.

Pretending not to hear me Raptor pursed his lips and walked on until he took me down a hall, opening an unlocked door to an empty and small room with a bed and desk but no other accommodations. "This is where you'll be staying until you decide to stay or not tomorrow. I hope you do stay but I doubt anyone in the base could stop you from doing so."

the small raven perched on my shoulder stared skeptically into the grey themed room. letting Thorn's distaste for the aesthetic be audible in my mind with his grumbles.

Stepping in i tapped the walls with my finger not hearing much noise in response. "Thanks for the accommodations. I'll try to get comfy until tomorrow."

Waving goodbye Raptor left letting the door shut and Thorn hopped off my shoulder onto the desk as i fell back on the bed. "I can't tell if they're too trusting or just don't care enough." Thorn stated flatly. "This entire base is basically a playground for adults to play pretend in. Please tell me we aren't going to actually stick around."

Pulling out [cursed duality] from my spatial storage rune under my left wrist i responded quickly. "We've got nothing to lose even if we do stay. Finding Invoker takes precedence however so we should head there when we can. I don't want to get on the humans bad side yet so play nice for now."

Tottering his head with a mocking look Thorn tapped his feet. "Hey, why are you distancing yourself?"

Looking away from the sword in my hands i peered at Thorn questioning what he meant.

"Your acting as if you hate humans now." Scoffing at Thorn's gripe i went back to inspecting my blades condition. "I'm serious! Earlier when you were talking with Raptor i could tell you were planning to kill him. Same with Dachau, you even looked at all those workers like you were about to commit mass genocide!"

"I don't know what your talking about Thorn." I responded flatly.

Sighing the black bird relented. "You have never lied before and i know you don't plan to anytime ever but have you seriously not noticed?"

Vanishing the sword from sight back into the spatial rune i took a moment to actually consider Thorn's nonsense. I was primarily after information the entire time and didn't bother to try and get properly acquainted once which isn't unusual. Raptor shot his fellow commander in the head which i did little to react... "your talking about how easily i let that guy die?"

"About time you figured it out." Thorn scowled slightly. "You didn't so much as flinch when Raptor pulled out his gun, it was like you knew he wasn't going to shoot you. Or that you wanted to be shot just so you could have a reason." Staring into me the bird pressed on, "You also haven't bothered to even check on Cayde after what you did to Arthur's group. You want him to suffer."

Sitting up on my bed i leaned my back against the wall and quizzed. "Is that something your against?"

"Honestly? Not at all. Let that idiot be in disarray for a little while. He deserves it in my opinion." Thorn declared surprisingly earnest. "But the longer you take to explain the more detached you two will get. I don't know about you but on a world literally called apocalypse, i imagine getting as much help and trust possible is paramount!" In a loud huff Thorn raised his voice nearly to shout

Staying silent I didn't refute Thorn's logic. Pulling out a black round crystal from the storage rune i caressed it slightly but felt nary a shred of attachment for Lupra's core like i once did.

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