Episode 20 : joy ride

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Watching quietly from where i stood i was starting to get bored of how long it was taking the two to get up. Sifting through the myriad of stolen items in my storage rune both from hell, Shatterre, and the bases I've raided i pulled out a 1litre bottle of water.

Twisting off the metal cap i tossed it to the side letting it roll across the floor then splashed both Silven and Cayde's naked bodies with freezing cold water

"Ahhh! Why!?"

"Jesus fucking Christ! That is cold!"

The two darted up with shocked expressions as i greeted them with a grin similar to Thorn's. "You up yet?"

Cayde swore with his eyes as he flicked some water at my shirt. "You will never do that again."

"Not unless i want to." Tossing the metal bottle between them Silven grabbed it and started gulping down as much water as he could to wet his parched throat as it trickled down his neck.

"Puahhh!" Looking relieved Silven breathed out happily, tossing the empty bottle to the side. "I never realized drinking water could be so fulfilling."

As they two slowly began to stretch out i tossed some clothes onto the floor for them to choose from. "We don't have long. You two have a flight to catch in three days and we're currently very far away and I'm low on aether. I'll find the keys to a one of the cars somewhere while Thorn fill's you in on everything."

"Hang on a second! Why am i on nanny duty?"

Ignoring Thorn i headed off going towards the metal garage and once inside i climbed into one of the military cars the people back at Ignis called Tumbler's. Looking about i found a key slot but no key. "Lets try..." molding aether at my finger tip a small end of a key formed.

Slotting the glowing key into the car aether filled all the gaps and with a twist the engine revved to life hurting my eardrums slightly. As they aether solidified into black crystals i took a breath to recover before figuring out how to drive the car.

"So this is?" Pushing the right peddle the engine loudened. "Thats the go..." moving my foot onto the second peddle i heard something click as the engine quieted. "That the stop?" Looking down and to my left there was a lever with a button. Pushing it down the car began to roll forwards bumping into another tumbler. "Thats the... holder. Now how do i reverse?"

Twisting around in my seat i looked at every corner until i spotted the joystick just in front of the handle. Twiddling it slightly the joystick locked in position but nothing happened. "What did i? Woah!" Pushing down on the go peddle the car reversed out of the garage with a jolt and i got thrown forwards.

Stamping onto the stop peddle i got tossed back into my seat like i had just been thrown by a giant. "So thats how a car works. They should put safety straps on these things." Easing onto the go peddle the car slowly reversed back and turning the wheel it twisted until the front was facing the now clothed Silven and Cayde.

Pushing the joystick forward i eased onto the go peddle again and it went forwards making me grin. "Not as hard as i thought."

Stopping just to the side of Silven, Cayde, and Thorn the three of them looked at me in the drivers seat like they had seen something heretical.

"Now you really are in the drivers seat." Thorn though was enjoying the situation fully. flapping his wings Thorn perched himself onto one of the railings above the forward window off the car. "Its roughly...ten thousand kilometers from here to Ignis base, right? We should hurry."

Pulling out the map my finger traced the path showing Thorn's estimation was accurate. "That's correct... if i drive at top speed it should only take us ten hours or slightly more to get back."

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