Episode 20 : archon holder

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Trying to act as imposing as possible i kept [invective] aimed directly at the chest of the largest and most dangerous looking person in this room. "Anyone want to speak up?" He was wary of the shrunken leviathan holding its opened jaw around his neck but the irritation was clear in his voice.

That weird feather flew into me once i woke up so i have no clue what do with it or how to get it out. For now, I'll just have to deal with this problem. Then if things go south i can [void step] out of here. "Raptor. You want to explain who you all are?" I queried more as an order than my sarcasm suggested

Now that he no longer had a pair of claws clutching his neck Raptor had returned to his normally casual and unsuspecting appearance. "I'm kinda sorry for this whole misunderstanding and it is primarily my fault. So... might as well." Leaning back into his chair Raptor pointed at the girl to my left. "That's Sofia, quiet usually but great conversationalist. Big guy there is Etrill. To my right is the lovely fellow that started this is Durvin. You know Elysia already and to my left we got Medea."

I was expecting his normally brief rundown since I've observed Raptor's mission briefings but i was hoping for a bit more detail. "Thorn, let him go." Lowering my hand [invective] vanished back into the spatial rune

[skill: hollow void, ends]

The remaining black spirits morphed into streams of ink flowing into my body before vanishing from sight. "I would apologize but i feel like we're even now."

Durvin's head fell flat on the table with a bang. Pushing his head over Thorn checked he was still breathing and cowered slightly from my and all the other stares directed at him. "Uh... hehe... he's still alive." Unwrapping his tail Thorn immediately hopped across the table to try and get to me for safety

Etrill resisted just jumping over the table and attacking me but a bead of sweat running down his cheek caught my attention. He was sharing a glance with Medea. warning him not to do anything as he sat back down. That girl is probably the strongest but it's hard to say...

"Lets begin from zero." Elysia danced her way playfully to where i stood and offered her hand. "With the most paranoid of us now asleep~ we can talk peacefully and with our worries tossed away."

They still had me outnumbered so there was some worry but if these people really are what i think they are then i should be grateful that this conversation has gotten as far as it has. "I'm fine with that..." instead of shaking Elysia's hand i placed a beauty product from Shatterre that I originally got for Aster in Elysia's open palm.

I got another blank stare from Elysia like after we first met then sat down at the table in between Sofia and Medea.

"First of all, i just want to say i brought you here hoping you were the former kralscell of Sentience still. My bad." Raptor acted coy as he scratched the back of his head. "But since your not could you tell us what your descension was like?"

"By descension you mean?..."

"How you first became the kralscell of Sentience." Raptor leaned in closely on the table waiting for my answer just like everyone else

No reason to not tell them all when they are all Kralscell's but I honestly... "I'm not sure. My first memory is of me waking up in a black room all alone." A mix of disbelieving and lighthearted gazes landed on me. "Since then i had only been running and fighting until i took my divinity by force and was then captured by big bird and brought to this fresh slice of hell."

"So nothing like a shadow possessing you?" Elysia quizzed quietly as she stood behind Raptor holding his shoulders

"Unless you count this parasite then no." Pointing to Thorn with my thumb as i joked the raven rolled its eyes to my humor but his suppressed anger was slowly becoming audible in my mind. "I only figured out i was a kralscell ten minutes ago after hearing a story from the visiting god outside. So if you think I'm lying be my guest to doubt me. Your only human."

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