~45~ Seasonal

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Peyton is back to working full-time in the coffee shop again and she seems to be doing just fine. If I took a break as long as she did, I think I'd be exhausted by the second hour, but we're going on hour six and she's still holding up well.

"Another iced latte please." This teenage girl came in here with a couple of friends and they'd been here for almost two hours, drinking multiple drinks and eating most of the cinnamon cake. They ate so much, Peyton had to hurry and bake two more!

"Is that all?" I reply lazily, taking the five dollar bill from her hand.

"Actually, can I get another slice of cake?"


"Tha- Wait, what?"

"I said no." I state sternly.

"But why? I'm paying you for it." 

"There's one slice left. Just wait until she finishes baking the other cake and then you can have a slice."

"Why can't I have the last slice?" Never in my life have I ever wanted to punch someone in the face as much as I do right now.

"Because, a lady who's a little older than you, comes in here everyday at the same time, orders an extra large iced coffee with eleven ice cubes, one pump espresso, two sugars, oat milk, three pumps caramel, half pump vanilla, and extra whip cream with a slice of the cinnamon cake." I have to take a deep breath because I read off her order with so much speed, I thought I was going to pass out from lack of oxygen.  "She's going to walk in any second now and she's going to expect her slice of cake so can you please sit your childish ass down and wait till the goddamn cake is out of the fucking oven." Her eyes widen and she sits back down and starts whispering to her friends, occasionally sparing me a glance. 

Just as I was about to walk over there and beat the girl with the broom, the lady with the unnecessarily long coffee order walked in with a smile. At this point, she doesn't even tell me the order anymore, I just look at the time, prepare it a few minutes before she arrives and quickly heat the cake and set behind the counter. 

"Afternoon, Ace."

"Afternoon, Jessica."

"Where's Peyton?"

"In the kitchen baking two more cakes because there's a group of teenage girls that have been eating the whole damn thing for the past two hours. I think they've each order six lattes and had three slices of cake each. I had to tell the one girl off just so I could preserve that last slice for you."

Jessica scans the room and spots three teenage girls just staring in our direction.

"Those the girls?" She whispers to me. 

"Yup. Been here all afternoon. I haven't seen the parents around either."


"I know."

Peyton comes running out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron, running around the counter. "Is that Jessica!?"

"Is that Peyton!?" They embrace each other like they haven't seen each other in months. 

I swear these two just met too.

I don't understand women.

When they untangle from each other, I hand over the ridiculous order to our most loyal customer and she walks out after giving us both sympathetic smiles. I think it was her way of saying 'good luck with the teenage girls'.

As if one of the girls read my mind, the black-haired one walks up to the counter, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

Quirky motherfucker.

"Do you guys have pumpkin spice right now?" If death glares actually killed people, this girl would be dead right now with no trace of skin left on her body. Just a skeleton, on the ground.

"No, I'm sorry, it's not in season." Peyton responds before I take out six years worth of trauma on the quirky teenage girl.

"Well like, could you go find some. I'm tired of the normal flavor." Maybe if she didn't have six other ones, it wouldn't be tiring.

"It hasn't been shipped to us yet." Peyton is being kind to the enemy and it's killing me.

"But I kind of want it."

"But it's kind of seasonal." My eye is literally twitching.

"Okay? So?"

That's it. I'm releasing my trauma. "Okay so listen here snotty little bitch, you and you're dry ass friend group are going to walk down the street to fucking Starbucks where you can get a latte that's not only unhealthy and strong, but filled with poisoning flavors."

"But I-"

"Prance your flat asses out of here before I call the cops."

"I just wanted some pumpkin spice."

"And I didn't want to be bothered by bitchy teenagers, yet here I am."

Peyton picks up the broom and starts walking towards the girls, who run out of the shop. One girl leaving behind a twenty dollar bill. I'm pretty sure that was an accident because we were so rude to them.

"Haha look what we scored!" She hold up the bill and I reach my hand out for a high five and she slaps my hand and places the twenty in the tip jar.

Maybe cursing out these thirteen-year-olds wasn't a bad idea after all.


This chapter has me dead.

hope you enjoyed!


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