~58~ Soft love

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A/N: idk why, but i can't the pov picture to post, but this is Peyton's p.o.v.!!


* time skip: 2 months*

I'm about three months pregnant now and Jacob overreacts about everything! I dropped my phone and I went to bend down and he got up so fast that he scared me. He claims that I shouldn't be bending over, but I still have little ways to go before I shouldn't be bending over anymore.

Oh and my mom? Don't even get me started. She has bought me three parenting books and ordered a crib, a playpen, and changing table. She's also going crazy, but I can't blame her. Her only child is carrying her grandbaby. 

When I first told her she just started sobbing and I thought it was because she was mad at me, but then she tightly hugged me and started jumping up and down. 

Every day since she stops by the house to visit us. Like she is right now.

I'm not really sure why she moved out if all she's going to do is visit us every day.

"Oh and make sure that the milk isn't too warm, but you have to make sure it isn't too cold. The temperature should be a little warmer than lukewarm." She's running around the house trying to find the article she had about giving babies milk that's too cold.

"Thanks, mom, but you do realize I used to watch infants so I know a little bit about what I'm doing." She stops pacing and gives me a sympathetic smile and encloses me in a hug.

"I'm sorry honey, I'm just so excited. I can't wait to see the baby bump!" Oh lord.

She hasn't seen me in bikinis yet. 

It's not much, but there's a little bump there, but I'm not sure if I should tell her or not.

"Oh my goodness, honey! Is Jacob still in bed?"

"Yeah, he wasn't feeling too well last night."

"Have you checked on him?"

"Right before you got here. He didn't feel warm or anything." She ignores me and walks right upstairs and into our room.

Next thing you know, my mom is practically dragging him down the stairs.

"Mom! Let him rest!" I join them in the middle of the staircase, trying to grab Jacob and pull him back upstairs. 

"He's going to die if he stays up there all day." 

"Mom, please let him be!" 

Jacob is just standing between us watching my mom and I argue about whether he's going to die or not.

"I've always dreamed of having women fight over me, but never like this." My mom lets go of him and starts chuckling as she wanders down the stairs. 

"Fine, he won't die, but I'm going to bring him some soup." And she descends into the kitchen. Hopefully never to be seen for another thirty minutes.

Jacob and I take this as our opportunity to have alone time and we bolt up the stairs and run into our room, locking the door behind us.

Last night, Jacob and I had a master plan to somehow distract my mom for fifteen minutes, but our plan worked so well that we might have thirty minutes to ourselves. Hallelujah!

"We have approximately thirty minutes to ourselves. What do you want to do." He says, trust falling onto the bed.

"Cuddle and not talk about babies," I say getting into bed next to him.

"If that's what you want..."

"You want to talk to the baby, don't you?"

"Yes!" He says sitting up immediately.

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