- pizza pals -

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I couldn't believe my ears...

"Did she just call him uncle?" Mario whispered, eyebrows raised as he asked the question that was on all our minds.

"I think so," I whispered back, holding his stare. A silent conversation between us of  "what the fuck."

Seriously, what the fuck?

"That would mean... her and Melanie are cousins?" Felix pointed out from beside us. Holy crap. That explains a lot.

"Well," I sighed, glancing back ahead. "That makes sense. Both bitchy and uptight." 

What a strange turn of events. I need to quiz Theo on Amber's background because this isn't adding up... she has family after all? In our pack, yet... She isn't a known pack member? What on earth is her back story?

"Uncle?" Melanie wore a heavy frown on her face, mouth scrunched up in distaste as she gave Amber a dirty look. "Dad, what's this weirdo talking about?"

"I don't know, dear," yet he didn't remove his startled expression away from Amber, who seemed hurt and confused. It looked like he had seen a ghost. So did she. They definitely recognise one another. "But, let's go." Grabbing Melanie by her arm before she can protest, he dragged her away towards the store in a fast pace, leaving no time for anyone to register the tense encounter. 

"But-" Melanie tried to quiz, her agitated and confused eyes scanning her dad who rushed her ahead, practically dragging her in a quick-paced walk.

"Keep walking." He hissed, eyes scanning left from right in the hopes that no one was around to see and judge.

Like... hi, we are literally sitting right here.

"But-" Protesting some more, she was lost for words, looking back and forth over her shoulder at the saddened stranger holding the empty shopping cart and her dad, who walked too fast for Melanie to properly manage her footing, nearly stumbling over herself.

"No more," He shushed her, dismissing the entire thing.

"You're embarrassing me," She harshly gritted, "Stop dragging me around like I'm a child! I can walk myself."

"Okay," He sighed, releasing his grip on her as they paused in the middle of the car park. "Let's do some shopping." Trying to smile at her, he moved forward but in a slower pace this time. Releasing his ragged breaths and calming himself, he added, "I'll buy you anything you want, dear."

She paused for a second, a grimace on her lips and her brows scrunched together as she studied her father and his eradic behaviour.  However weirded out by the way he acted, she frantically fixed her hair and adjusted her clothes, looking around to also make sure no one noticed.

I saw Mario's hand raise, waving at her as her eyes skimmed across, meeting the three of us. Of course he had a shit eating grin on his face, bathing in this awkward situation.

"Ugh!" She gritted, immediately flicking her head away from us as she marched towards target, her hair flickering off her shoulders with her quick, jagged movement.

"Mhm," I hummed to myself, amazed she didn't even hold my gaze. Only briefly.

Mario chuckled, his head twisting to look at her fleeing form. "That's the quietest I've seen her."

"Do they have target sales on that I missed?" Felix asked.

"I don't know, bro. I just came here to get some snacks but fuck, this was good."

"why does drama always follow you, Mario?" I gave him a sceptical look. He only shot me a toothy grin in reply.

"What can I say, I'm charming. Don't you think?"

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