Wake Up Call

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Nonnie was in the hospital with Sharmarke, She touched Sharmarke's forehead and he woke up, "What- What happened?" Sharmarke asked, "What do you remember?" Nonnie asked, "I was in the dungeon and now I'm waking up here," Sharmarke replied, "I know you just woke up but please try to remember whatever you can," Nonnie said, "I remember Kenny working with Charlotte for my mother's ring and something about Aj dying," Sharmarke said, "Well that's good enough," Nonnie said, "What happened?" Sharmarke asked, "I'll tell you anything you want to know when you're ready, For now just relax and we'll talk later, Ok?" Nonnie said with a smile, "Ok," Sharmarke replied yet still he was very confused.

Later Sharmarke slowly began to remember little details such as kissing Kenny, going to the ball, and looking for Kenny, Being in the dungeon was a struggle to remember but he did remember Nonnie not letting him leave, "What isn't she telling me?" Sharmarke asked himself, but he couldn't come up with an answer due to his foggy memory, He got out of bed a left the hospital, "Sharmarke?" Kenny asked, "Yeah?" Sharmarke asked, "How are you?" Kenny asked, "Um, I'm fine I think, How are you?" Sharmarke said, "Aside from being stuck with a crazy witch lady who calls herself the oracle I'm fine," Kenny said, "Are you sure you're ok? You look a bit lost," Kenny asked, "I'm fine I'm just having trouble remembering some things," Sharmarke replied, "You can't remember anything?" Kenny asked, "I remember a few things but most of it is a bit foggy," Sharmarke replied, "I need to speak with Nonnie," Sharmarke demanded, "I'll take you to her," Kenny said and walked Sharmarke to the castle.

When they arrived at the castle Eós was walking across the footbridge eating grapes, "What are you looking at?" Eós asked, "Do you know If Nonnie is here?" Kenny asked, "She's in there somewhere, Probably snuggled up with Rin, that backstabbing bitch," Eós replied, "Nonnie is dating Rin?" Sharmarke asked, "No, But he's always talking to her, Maybe I should kill her, He can't talk to a corpse," Eós said with a smile, "I don't think Rin would like that," Kenny said, "He won't know," Eós said, "I'm simply his advisor nothing more nothing less." Nonnie said as she walked slowly toward Kenny and Sharmarke, "You know I'm only kidding," Eós said and laughed, "I wouldn't laugh too hard, Afterall you are the one outside meanwhile Destinée is lying in bed with Rin," Nonnie said with a smile, "That bitch," Eós said angrily, "You shouldn't leave Rin unattended, He tends to explore his options," Nonnie said, Eós stormed back into the castle.

"Glad to see Banora didn't drive you to be as crazy as she is," Nonnie said to Kenny, "She told me and Chunkz this long story about some young couple and it was dreadful," Kenny said, "But Sharmarke needs your help, He's struggling to remember some things," Kenny said worryingly, "It's an unfortunate side effect of the sleep trance but he should be fine," Nonnie said, "Sleep trance?" Sharmarke asked, "I did it to ensure your safety," Nonnie replied, "You put some kind of spell on me? I'm a king I can throw you in jail for trying to kill me," Sharmarke said, "Go ahead, Let's see how Rin reacts to his advisor being thrown in jail for trying to protect his little brother," Nonnie said, "Brother? I don't have siblings I'm an only child," Sharmarke said, "Zaynab, Your mother, Had three sons, Rin being the oldest, You the middle child, and Chunkz the youngest," Nonnie said, "Why didn't my mother mention this?" Sharmarke asked, "She was being hunted when gave birth to Rin, She left him here for his safety and entrusted me to be his guardian, and Chunkz was given to King Ilyas in another kingdom," Nonnie replied.

"Chunkztopia?" Sharmarke asked, "It was formally known as the royal kingdom but when Chunkz took the throne he changed the name," Nonnie replied, "You can change the name of a kingdom?" Kenny asked, "Not officially but he made sure everyone addressed his kingdom as chunkztopia," Nonnie replied, "So Rin and Chunkz are my brothers?" Sharmarke asked, "Yes," Nonnie replied, "Why was my mother being hunted?" Sharmarke asked, "She had something very powerful but you'll be able to ask her these questions soon," Nonnie said, "She's dead," Sharmarke said, "She's not dead, Just living a different life," Nonnie said.

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