Tea Etiquette

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"You went to Seoul just to buy orchids, you can order them online, Baekhyun," Chanyeol says while serving dinner to Baekhyun. Baekhyun has returned home late that Chanyeol has to prepare the dinner for both of them & Woohyun.

"Hmm…It's not even I could get one…," Baekhyun quivers his lips while saying the actual condition.

"It's okay, if you want we can have them at home…"

"No…Taking care of orchids is so much. We better concentrate on the things we are doing… Woohyun,eat more veggies. I am watching both you and your father. Chanyeol, I swear if there's any broccoli left in the freezer today, it won't end well. You can't spoil our son's eating habits like this," Baekhyun points his chopsticks towards the father and son and warns them in an alarming voice.

" Is this not a cucumber?" Woohyun examines a stem of broccoli thinking it's a cucumber.

"Is this?" Looking at the light green stems of broccoli, Baekhyun feels like vomiting. He hates cucumbers. Baekhyun retches while pushing the food on the table.

" Dramatic mother & son. Who adds cucumber in broccoli curry? Is it natural or something else, Baekhyun? You should take a test…," Chanyeol hides his smile so as not to make Baekhyun angry.

"Aish!... I have lost my appetite…"


"Is it positive? Let me see," Chanyeol takes a look at the pregnancy strip that Baekhyun is holding. 

"Not yet," Baekhyun says, keeping the strip on a tissue near the side table of the bed.

The single line on the pregnancy strip makes Chanyeol a bit disappointed. Baekhyun doesn't know why he suddenly feels incapable. The way Chanyeol wants a daughter makes his heart flutter, although he doesn't trust Chanyeol sometimes. With time the distance between has shortened. 

"It's okay… Next time…" Baekhyun pats on Chanyeol's shoulder, at which Chanyeol smiles.

"It's okay as long as you are beside me, Baekhyun. I don't need anything else to be happier," Chanyeol kisses on Baekhyun's mole under lower lips.


1 week later

"I told you to wear blue."

"The logo of this dress is blue. You can check it on the internet. It's behind my collar now," Baekhyun replies sassily to Loey. 

" Rebellious… This is not even a jumpsuit," Loey pokes his cheek with tips of tongue, astonished at Baekhyun's defensive reply.

"My son will wait for me, I have to return within 8 pm to Busan," Baekhyun says looking at his own wristwatch.

" Does this even make sense? Wait a sec I am losing interest to help you with this type of behaviour. You have to behave, Byun Baekhyun."

"My son is sick… Even giving you this time is making me feel guilty for my son & husband."

"Shut up!... I have not even told you to even strip or anything…"

" I fear men…I fear myself… On my bad days, men tried to tear my body into pieces… And my bad days happened in my life, when I was pregnant at a young age. Sitting in front of you, looking at your eyes, I know what's going on in your mind. But I have to survive in this game. I have to know the reasons that I have to fear others. I want to know why it has to be me to be played as a mere unimportant dice on the chess board. I deserve to lead a life without nightmares…"

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