Desert Flower (Jasmin x Abused! Reader)

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I watched from inside the litter (The throne thing royalty gets carried in) as the people of Agrabah stared in amazement. I sighed and looked down. My arms and face still felt sore from yesterday's beating by my father. Luckily, I covered them in some make up I had to avoid questions. We got to the castle and the gates opened, revealing a lush palace. I didn't care for such things, but my father wants me to marry the prince here. The litter was set down and I stepped out. My father quickly joined my side.

He whispered into my ear, "Do not disappoint me or I'll have another beating for you." I nodded silently. We were led into the palace by some servants and stopped in the throne room. The sultan, a happy old man, greeted us, "Welcome, welcome to Agrabah. It is an honor to have you here." My father spoke, "Please, it is an honor to be here. Oh, and this is my daughter, (Y/n)." I bowed deeply, "It's an honor to meet you." The sultan smiled, "Dear girl, I think my son will like you. He is in the garden."

He looked at one of the servants, "Take Princess (Y/n) to the garden." Father nodded at me. I turned and followed the servant down the hall. After a few minutes, we stopped at a lush Oasis like garden. The servant bowed and left. I walked into the garden and stopped at the fountain. I looked at my reflection, smiling sadly. I paused when I heard heavy steps behind me. I turned to see a tiger. I smiled. Before my mother passed, she had a tiger named Tika.

It watched me intensely. I kneeled and extended my palm, "Hello there." The tiger approached, sniffing my hand. A deep purr rumbled in it's chest as it nuzzled into my hand. It moved closer to me before nuzzling my stomach. Just then, I heard a voice behind me, "Who are you?" I turned my head to see a boy my age. He was tall. His skin was a beautiful tan color and was complimented by his raven black hair. His eyes were a dark brown. I spoke softly.

"I am Princess (Y/n). The sultan wanted me to see you." He scoffed, "Well, I'm not interested in marrying you." I pet the tiger's head, "I have no interest in marriage either, but my father..." He noticed the tiger on my lap, "Raja, what are you doing?" Raja looked up at him for a moment before putting his head back on my lap. The boy spoke, "He has never been this loving to anyone but me. Why?" I smiled.

"Before my mother passed, she had a tiger named Tika. I grew up with Tika, but when I turned 10, my father killed her." He nodded, "If Raja trusts you, then I can try to get to know you." And so, we sat together at the fountain, and talked for hours. I learned that his name was Jasmin and that we both had the same ideas about freedom.

In the middle of the conversation, Raja batted me softly on the arm to keep petting him, but he hit the bruised part of my arm, making me wince in pain. Jasmin looked at me, "Are you alright? He didn't bat at you that hard, did he?" I continued to pet Raja, "No, no. I'm fine. He just surprised me." Jasmin seemed suspicious, but didn't press it any further.

Time Skip...Two Weeks Later...

I had gotten closer to Jasmin in the two weeks my father and I had been staying at the palace. However, it wasn't fast enough for my father. He had beaten me more than ever before.

I woke up early, covering my bruises with more make up. Then, I got dressed and headed to the garden. I found Raja lounging under a tree. I sat and petted him enjoying the silence. Jasmin joined us later in the day. I was still with Raja under the tree. Jasmin had sat next to me. Just then, Raja rested his head on my stomach where a big bruise was. I winced rather loudly, causing both Raja and Jasmin to look at me. Jasmin spoke, "What happened?" I tried to smile, "N-Nothing. I'm fine." Raja sat up, part of his fur covered in my make up. I tensed up.

Jasmin looked from the make up on Raja to me, then to my stomach. His eyes met mine, "What happened to your stomach?" I swallowed the lump in my throat, "Nothing. I should go." I stood up, only to stop when Jasmin grabbed my wrist, "No. Wait. Tell me what happened?" He gripped the bruised part of my wrist and I flinched, "P-Please don't hit me..."

His eyes widened, "Hit you? (Y/n), I would never do that. Does someone hit you?" I bit my lip, "No. I just fell. That's all." He sighed, "(Y/n), please. I just want to help you." It was then that I noticed my father watching us from the balcony. I shook my head, "Thank you for your concern, but I am fine. I should be going." I turned and hurried out of the garden.

I got to my room and shut the door behind me. I sat at my vanity and looked in the mirror. I took a damp cloth and removed the make up from my face. My eye was bruised and swollen, my cheek was red, and I had a large cut above my eyebrow. Just as I went to grab new make up from the drawer, the door opened. I turned to see my father. He was angry. He shut the door behind him and approached me.

He grabbed my arm tightly, "What did you tell him?!" I looked down, "I didn't tell him anything father." He let go of my arm, only to slap me, "Don't lie to me!" I got knocked to the ground. He kicked me in the side a few times. Suddenly, there was a loud growl and my father fell. Raja stood over him, snarling. In the doorway stood Jasmin. He hurried over and helped me to my feet, "Come with me. The guards will take care of him." He led me to his room.

He gently rested me on the bed before calling for a servant. The servant came a few minutes later with a doctor. The doctor checked me over and cleaned my injuries before leaving. Jasmin came back in with his father behind him. I sat up slightly, wincing at the pain. The sultan spoke, "Your father has been removed from the palace and will be punished. You may stay here as long as you like, my dear." I smiled, "Thank you." He left the room, leaving only Jasmin.

Jasmin sat next to me, "I hope you know you're safe now. He won't hurt you again." I nodded, "Yes. I know. Thank you." He brushed a piece of hair behind my ear, "In these two weeks we've known each other, I can't help but feel like...I love you." I blushed, "I feel the same way Jasmin. I was just scared." He held my hand, "Well, as long as I'm around, you have no reason to be scared." I smiled softly.

"Of course."

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