Star Crossed PT. 3

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Star Crossed PT. 3

Your Pov:

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, secretly packing some things and studying the journal. Wiggins would bring me food and I'd stash the leftovers in my satchel. I'd see Thomas from my window every once in a while. I had written him a note that I'd leave in his tent before I left that night.


Once night fell, I waited for all the lanterns and candles to go out. Once I was sure that John was asleep, I slipped outside. I crept to Thomas's tent and placed the note next to him. I glanced at him one more time before leaving. The men guarding the gate were asleep, so I was able to get away from the settlement without a problem.

I slipped into the trees and when I was out of earshot, I took off running. Hopefully, I could find shelter for the night and reach the natives in the morning.


No One's Pov:

The next morning in the settlement, everyone woke up early due to the yells and shouts from Ratcliffe. Thomas woke up slowly, his hand brushing the paper next to his bedroll. He sat up and grabbed the parchment, carefully opening it. His eyes scanned the writing inside, each sentence adding onto the concern he felt. "What...?"


My Dearest, Thomas,

Tonight, I'm going to do something you may think me mad for. You've only seen a small example of how the governor treats me, but his behavior towards me in private is cruel and terrible. I know that my mother needs my help, but I cannot bear this any longer.

One of my father's friends left me with a small written journal containing the language of the people here. I hope to find those people and start my life anew among them. Hopefully, things go somewhat well.

I enjoyed the time I spent with you and I will never forget it. You made me feel happy and for once in my life, I felt like I was important to someone. I hope to see you again in the future, if fate will allow it. Please don't tell the governor of this letter or of me.

With all my love, (Y/n)~


Thomas traced the pen strokes, trying to comprehend everything that he had woken up to. He hid the note and got dressed for the day before leaving his tent. Ratcliffe was still yelling his head off about something. When everyone was out of their tents, they gathered together. Ratcliffe turned to the men, face red from his incessant yelling.

"Has anyone seen Ms. (L/n)? She is not in her room, nor anywhere in the settlement."

The men all shook their heads as they murmured amongst each other. Thomas glanced at John, but he was confused as well. Ratcliffe turned his sights on Thomas. "You were close with her, boy. Do you know where she went?" Thomas quickly shook his head. "N-No sir!"

Ratcliffe glared at him, but said nothing as he turned and walked away. Thomas took up guard duty at the gates, hoping you'd return safely if the natives turned you away.

'(Y/n) safe...'


Your Pov:

I woke up under the shade of the willow tree. Last night, I ran until I found it. The branches blocked the wind, allowing me to keep warm. The tree itself sat on top of a river, its branches finding purchase in the muddy ground.

I stood, picking up my satchel and journal. I turned to the tree, placing my hand on the bark. "Thank you." I started walking away and as I did, I could've sworn I heard an older woman's voice whisper "You're welcome." I continued on my way until a strange noise reached my ears.

It sounded like drums.

I followed the sound until I reached the edge of the treeline. Further away was a riverbank and a small hill. On top of the hill, I could see huts and people. I dusted off my clothes, which were boots, pants, and a loose shirt, and slowly made my way towards the village.

I stopped at the bottom of the hill, getting noticed by one of the native women. She came down the hill to me. She was tall, with long black hair and beautiful copper skin. She smiled at me. "Are you a friend of John Smith?" I hadn't expected her to speak English, so I was quite surprised. I nodded. "Yes, I know him. Who are you?"

She spoke. "My name is Pocahontas." I looked at the village, then at her. "Would your village allow me to stay? I can't go home." She grabbed my hand. "Follow me." She pulled me through the village, the people giving me looks of shock and fear. We entered the largest hut and inside, was a man. He was tall, with long, dark hair like Pocahontas.

He looked at Pocahontas. "Why have you brought one of them here?" Pocahontas spoke. "Father, she has left her people. She wants to live in peace among us. She said she cannot go home." The man, who I assumed to be the chief looked at me. "Why can you not go home?" I took a deep breath. "The man I was going to marry beats me. He treats me terribly and I have nothing left at the place I call home."

He placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "There is no need to explain further. You may stay with us for as long as you need. We should introduce you to the rest of the village." We all left the hut and went to the middle of the village. Seeing the chief, everyone crowded around, trying to see what was going on. The chief spoke. "This woman is now a part of our village, our family. As one of us, she will have a new name. We will call her 'Sokanon', after the great rains that bless us with great harvests."

Everyone burst into cheers. Pocahontas led me around the village after that, showing me various things and places. Everyone in the village was so kind and welcoming. Some of the men had started constructing a hut for me as a few of the women started on new clothing for me. We walked to the bottom of the hill and stopped. Pocahontas looked at me. "I have to go see John Smith. Don't tell anyone." I nodded. "Be safe."

What I hadn't known however, was that she had told her secret to Nakoma, her friend that I had met earlier.

I headed back into the village, being greeted by my completed hut and new clothes. Eager to try them on, I went into my new hut and changed into the clothes. One outfit was a dress and the other was a skirt and top combination. The dress was made of deerskin and fell just above my knees, the tassels tickling my thighs. The top was sleeveless with a slight v-shaped neckline. It was soft and comfortable.

The skirt and top of the second outfit were made of the same material. This outfit would be good for the summer months and the heat. I decided to keep the dress on and left the hut. My new life had begun and though I would miss Thomas, I would never go back.

That's what I thought at the time.

But all that changed when some of the men brought Mr. Smith into the village, claiming he had attacked Pocahontas and Kocoum, leaving Kocoum dead.

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