Mothering (Shere Khan x White Tigress! Reader)

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Your Pov:

I padded through the jungle thinking about the recent events to plague it. Bagheera was trying to get a 'man-cub' back to the human's village. Just then I overheard Bagheera talking to some elephants about how the 'man-cub' ran off. I moved further into the jungle, following the scent of the 'man-cub'. I found him with some vultures. I padded up behind him, scaring the vultures off. The 'man-cub' turned and looked at me. I stood there, showing I meant no harm. He relaxed. I spoke, "Come with me, young one. It is not safe here." I let him get on my back.

I took him closer to the village, stopping to rest in a tree. The man-cub fell asleep. A few minutes later, a voice came from the bottom of the tree, "(Y/n). (Y/n)!" I cracked an eye open, "I have him. He's fine Bagheera." Bagheera sighed, "Shere Khan is coming. You need to get the man-cub back to the village." I nodded lazily, "I will. Everything will be fine."

Bagheera huffed, "I hope so." Then, he walked away. A while after that, a new voice entered my ears, "Ah, (Y/n). Trying to protect the man-cub from me?" I looked at him, "Don't test me Khan. I won't let you hurt him." Khan spoke, "I'm not testing you. Merely proving a point." I got down from the branch, leaving the man-cub in the tree, "And like I said, you won't hurt him. You'll have to kill me first." Khan laughed.

"I'm not violent by nature, you know. I prefer to settle this peacefully." He moved towards the tree. I crouched in front of the tree, "Leave Khan. Before I make you." He chuckled, "Fine, fine. But I'll be back." With that, he was gone. I climbed back up to the branch and curled around the man-cub. A few hours later, we continued our journey. The man cub rested on my back, occasionally stroking my head and ears. Then, a few yards away from us, I saw the entrance to the human's village.

I picked up the pace, but I was stopped by Khan stepping out of the bushes in front of me. I bared my teeth, "Get out of my way, Khan. He's going home whether you like it or not." Khan laughed, "I don't think so. I'd hate to spill blood on your beauty, but I'll do what I have to." The man-cub climbed up into a nearby tree and watched us. Khan and I circled each other. In the shadows, I noticed Bagheera and Baloo. A low hiss escaped my mouth. Khan lunged at me.

I moved out of the way, clawing at his side. Blood dotted my claws. He fumbled slightly, but recovered. In my peripheral vision, I could see Bagheera sneaking towards the village with the man cub. The man cub followed a girl into the village. He was safe and he was home. My job here was done. I looked at Khan, "I'll see you around. My job here is done." I nodded at Bagheera and Baloo, who nodded back. Khan looked up at the now empty tree and growled.

"You might've saved the man-cub, but you can't save everyone." I turned and started walking away, "I can try Khan. Find me when you've come to your senses." I smiled to myself.

I loved irritating that fool...

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