Finding Home Pt. 3

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Your Pov:

Unfortunately, Dimitri couldn't ignore me when we all went to sleep. There were two beds, but I let Anya have one of them. Vlad slept against the back wall and Dimitri took the other bed. I started setting up some blankets on the floor when Vlad stopped me, "Oh, this won't do. No, no." He looked at Dimitri, "Dimitri, move over. We can't have have her grace sleeping on the floor." Dimitri looked at him.

"Why can't she sleep with Anya?" I sighed, "Anya already fell asleep. She won't move." Dimitri huffed, "Fine." He moved over and made some space. I got into the bed and turned away from him, "Good night, Dimitri." He spoke, "Good night (Y/n)." Vlad blew out the candle and we all fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later. I was very warm and two arms were wrapped around me. I turned my head to the left.

I was curled up into Dimitri with my head resting on his chest. His arms were wrapped around my waist. I turned my head to the right to see Anya not in her bed. Pooka came to the bed and started barking. I shook Dimitri, "Dimitri! Dimitri, wake up!" He woke up slowly, "W-What?" Once he saw our position, he pulled away, "Sorry." I sat up, "Anya is gone. We need to go look for her." We got up and left the room.

We ran up to the deck to see Anya at the edge. I quickly grabbed her arm as Dimitri grabbed her waist. She started to struggle. I called out to her, "Anya! Wake up!" She woke up, "The Romanov curse...The Romanov curse!" I bit my lip. She was getting her memories back. I sighed, "You had a nightmare." After that we took her back to the room. She got into warm clothes and we went back to sleep. Luckily, we weren't disturbed after that.

A few days later we were outside of the empress' first cousin's house. Vlad and Dimitri made sure that we remembered everything before knocking on the door. A few minutes later, a blonde woman, presumably the cousin, opened the door. She let us in after talking with Vlad. We were taken into the drawing room. Anya and I waited outside. Vlad announced us a few minutes later, "May I present their Imperial Highnesses the Grand Duchesses (Y/n) and Anastasia Nikolayenva!" We walked in.

Sophie spoke, "Oh my heavens - they certainly do look like (Y/n) and Anastasia! But so did many of the others." She continued, "Where were you two born?" I spoke, "At the Peterhoff Palace." She smiled, "Correct." She questioned us for a few hours. She continued her questioning, "And how does Anastasia like her tea?" Anya and I answered in sync, "No tea. Just hot water and lemon." Sophie paused, "Finally you'll most likely find this an impertinent question, but indulge me. How did you escape during the siege of the palace?" I spoke softly.

"There was a boy, a boy who worked in the palace. He opened a wall..." Anya nodded, "Yes. He opened the wall for us..." We were unable to see the empress today, but Sophie hinted to us that they'd be at the ballet tomorrow. Then, she told Anya and I that she'd take all of us shopping for the ballet. Vlad and Dimitri had been waiting outside. I knew Dimitri knew now, because he was the boy in the palace.

After that, we went shopping. I found a beautiful dress and matching shoes.

We all got ready at Sophie's but took separate cars. Anya and I walked in. We walked up behind Vlad and Dimitri. Vlad looked at Dimitri, "You've got to tell her." Anya had gone somewhere, so I spoke up, "Tell me what?" Dimitri looked at me, "How beautiful you look." I blushed slightly, "Well, thank you." We started up the stairs, stopping to check our coats. I walked a few steps up before turning to look at Dimitri. He was already staring at me though.

We found our seats and sat. The people all around us whispered about us, then quieted down as the show started. Dimitri handed me some opera glasses. I looked through, spotting my grandmama. I smiled sadly. I passed the glasses to Anya. I started fiddling with the ring on my finger. Dimitri grabbed my hand, "Everything's going to be fine." Then, the intermission came. Dimitri looked at us.

"Come on. I guess it's time. Relax you two are gonna be great." We walked to the outside of the empress' seats. Dimitri turned to us, "Wait here just a moment. I'll go in and announce you properly." He went in. A few minutes later, there was a commotion. The duchess' voice came through the curtain, "Haven't you been listening? I've had enough. I don't care how much you have fashioned this girl to look like her, sound like her or act like her. In the end, it never is her!" A few minutes later, Dimitri was thrown out.

I could feel Anya tense, "It was all a lie, wasn't it?" I grabbed her arm, "No Anya. It wasn't." She pulled away from me, "No... Stop it! From the very beginning you lied... and I not only believed you, I, I actually... Argh!" Before I could stop her, she slapped him. Then, she ran off. I looked at him, "I believe you Dimitri. I do, because even before I met you, I knew who I was. I am one of the grand duchesses. And so is Anya. We have to get find her. Come on."

I found Anya and we went back to Sophie's house while Dimitri stayed behind. Anya was packing while I was trying to convince her, "Anya, believe me. Please." She went to speak, but there was a knock at the door. Anya sighed, "Go away, Dimitri." We turned to see the duchess. Anya bowed her head, "Oh, I'm sorry. I...I thought you were..." The duchess nodded.

"I know very well who you thought I was. Who exactly are you two?" I sighed, "We're hoping you can tell us." The duchess frowned, "My dear, I'm old and I'm tired of being conned and tricked." Anya spoke up, "We don't want to trick you." The duchess looked at her, "And I suppose the money doesn't interest you either?" I looked at the duchess, "We just want to know who we are and whether or not we belong to a family. Your family." The duchess stood and went to leave when I caught a familiar scent, "Peppermint..."

The duchess nodded, "An oil for my hands." I continued, "Yes...We spilled a bottle...The carpet was soaked. And it forever smelled of you." Anya continued, "We used to lie there on the rug and oh how we missed you when you went away...When you came here. To Paris." I started fiddling with my ring as Anya fiddled with her necklace. The duchess spoke, "What are those?"

Anya spoke up, "This well, I've always had it...Ever since before I can remember." I lifted the ring, "I've always had this too. I know someone I loved gave it to me." She gestured to us, "May I?" I took off the ring and handed it to her as Anya handed her the necklace. She fitted the necklace charm into the slit of my ring. It snapped into place. Then, she pulled out the familiar music box from her evening bag.

"It was our secret. My (Y/n)'s, Anastasia's, and mine..." She wound up the music box as Anya and I started to hum the melody. Then, we sang that one familiar line together, "Hear this song and remember soon you'll be home with me Once Upon a December..." We all hugged. We were back where we belonged. No more hiding a secret from Anya.

A little while later, grandmama took us to her study. We looked through the old photo albums. I felt tears pricking my eyes as I looked at a picture of our family. I spoke, "I know now, how much I loved them. Grandmama, I never forgot." She smiled, "Good. They would not want us to live in the past, not now that we have found each other." After that, she strode across the room to a black velvet box.

She opened it, revealing two sparkling crowns.

She spoke, "But you both have the beauty of your mother, Alexandra, Empress of all Russia." She placed the crowns on our heads before turning us towards the large mirror in the corner.

I looked like a princess.

But my heart yearned for something...

Someone else.

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