Love The Sinner (Phoebus x Frollo's Adopted Daughter! Reader)

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Love The Sinner (Phoebus x Frollo's Adopted Daughter! Reader)

A/N: Reader was left of the steps of Notre Dame cathedral as a baby, right after Frollo took in Quasimodo. But Frollo treats the reader as his most prized possession.

Your Pov:

I awoke early to the bells of Notre Dame ringing like always. Then, there was a knock on the door, "Get up, (Y/n). It's time for your lessons." I sat up, "Yes, father." The door opened and he stepped inside, "We must get you dressed and prepared." As he looked through my dresses, I took off my nightgown and hung it over the bedpost. He turned to me with a white dress in his arms, "Come now."

I breathed in as he pulled the dress' corset tighter. He finished and tied the strings, "There. Now, before your lessons, we must meet with the captain of the guard. I expect you to be on your best behavior." I bowed my head, "Yes father." A few minutes later, I sat on my horse, riding behind father towards the cathedral. The ride was silent, full of people staring and subtly pointing at me.

Once we arrived, father helped me off the horse and we went into the cathedral. The archdeacon greeted us. Father simply waved him off. I smiled and curtsied slightly, "Good morning." He nodded to me, "Good morning child. You're free to go and pray while you wait." I sighed, "Of course. Thank you." He turned and left. A few minutes later, the cathedral doors opened. A man in golden armor came in.

Father spoke, "Captain, any news?" The man looked up and I froze. My eyes stayed on his figure. He was built and muscled like all the other soldiers and had blond hair with a small goatee on his chin. His eyes were a dark blue, like the sky right after twilight.

The man spoke, "No, sir. There has been no sign of the gypsy anywhere." Father growled, "Then look harder! Burn down all of Paris if you must." Father turned to me, "Do your daily prayers while I tend to the bells." I nodded, "As you wish." Then, he disappeared upstairs. The captain was still there.

He spoke, "I wasn't aware that Minister Frollo had a wife." I quickly shook my head, "Oh, I'm not his wife. I'm his daughter." He paused, "I apologize for assuming. It's just that, as beautiful as you are, I thought you'd already had a husband." I blushed, "You really think so? Thank you...?" He gently grasped my hand and kissed it, "I am Phoebus and you are?" I curtsied, "(Y/n) Frollo."

I continued, "Thank you for all your service." He smiled, "If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it." I stepped back, "Well, I should be going. It was nice to meet you." He looked at me, "Can I write to you?" I blushed

"O-Of course." After exchanging information, I went and did my prayers. As I did, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Father. He spoke, "I see that you have taken a liking to the captain of my guards." I bowed my head, "If you trust him father, he must be a good man, right?" Father sighed, "My dear daughter, no man is to be trusted. No matter how high his status or standing is." I bit my lip.

"He wants to write to me..."

Father placed a hand on my shoulder, "I know what is best for you, darling. And it is not him."

Time Skip...

I sat on my horse, watching as father stepped out of a house. Phoebus looked at me before looking back at my father. Father handed him a torch, demanding him to set the house on fire with the family still inside. I watched in shock, looking at Phoebus, pleading with my eyes not to do it. Phoebus took the torch, and extinguished it. I smiled at him.

Father frowned and grabbed another torch, setting the mill on fire, which in turn, caught the house on fire. I gasped, putting a hand over my mouth. Phoebus broke the window and jumped in. I screamed, "Phoebus!" Father glared at me.

I sighed in relief as he exited the house with the family in tow. I got off my horse and ran into his arms, "Thank God, you're safe." He hugged me back, "I'll always come back to you safe." I felt a hand grip my wrist and pull me away.

It was father.

He spoke, "I didn't raise you like this! Go back to your horse." Just then, two of the guards knocked Phoebus to his knees. Father held me back as one of them raised a sword over Phoebus' neck. I screamed. Phoebus managed to get away, jumping on father's horse and riding away. I quickly got away from father and followed Phoebus on my horse.

I ignored the screams from my father.

Just as I caught up to Phoebus, an arrow flew by and struck him in the shoulder. He yelled and fell into the river below. I jumped off my horse and into the river. As I did, I spotted someone in a cloak watching from the shadows. I splashed into the water. I heard the soldiers on the bridge.

"Shall we go after them?"

Father spoke, "No. Let him rot in his watery grave, but if you find my daughter, bring her to me." Then, they all left. I dived into the water, finding him and pulling him to shore. The person I saw in the cloak approached, helping me pull him out. The hood fell, revealing the gypsy woman my father was looking for. I spoke, "Can you help him? Do you know someone who can?" She nodded, "Yes, but we have to hurry." She led us to the cathedral.

We went up to the bell tower. Quasimodo watched as we brought Phoebus up. He led us to a small blanketed area. I laid Phoebus down, brushing the hair out of his face. Quasimodo and Esmeralda left us alone. I bowed my head and started to pray.

After a few minutes, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I opened my eyes. Phoebus was awake. He spoke, "Don't worry about me, (Y/n). Your beauty shouldn't be sullen with tears." I held his hand, "I can't help it, but you must rest." He pulled me closer, "(Y/n), I..." Then his lips met mine. His hand rested on the back of my neck, holding me close.

I pulled away and helped him lay back down, "You need to rest. I'll be here when you wake up." He rested his head on the pillow and fell asleep.

I covered him with the blanket and walked over to Quasimodo and Esmeralda. She looked at me, "You must really love him." I nodded, "I do. Very much. I defied my father to be with him." Quasimodo looked at me, "You did what?! You shouldn't throw your life away like that." I frowned, "Quasi, I love him. The life I would've had would've been a loveless marriage and husband chosen by my father. I didn't want that."

He nodded, "I understand. Just be careful."

I smiled.

"I will."

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