Reflection (Frollo x Self-Harming! Reader)

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Reflection (Frollo x Self-Harming! Reader)

Requested by MysteriousLostOne

A/N: This chapter has mentions of self-harm, so please skip if this may trigger you.

Your Pov:

I sighed as my parents fought in the other room. I had just came of age to marry and they were debating on who and when. The arguing continued, getting louder and louder. I stood and quickly left the house.

I tacked up my horse and rode down the path.

I stopped on the outskirts of Paris, sitting under a tree

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I stopped on the outskirts of Paris, sitting under a tree. My horse was tied to another so it wouldn't wander off. As I leaned back against the tree, I pulled a dagger from my bag. It was meant for protection, but I got a different use out of it.

I rolled up my dress sleeve, staring down at the scars that lined my wrist. I took the dagger and started to slice into my skin. The blood trickled down my arm, dripping into the dirt under me.

Once I was satisfied, I grabbed a towel from my saddle bag and cleaned my arm. After the blood dried, I rolled my sleeve back down. I put everything back in the saddle bag before riding into Paris. I tied my horse next to one of the shops and put on my cloak. I pulled the hood over my head. I placed a sack on the ground in front of me, leaving it open.

As people passed, I started to sing. I would come to the city to sing in hopes of collecting enough money to run away and start a new life far away.

"And you're always free to begin again! And you're always free to believe! When you find the place that your heart belongs, you'll never leave..."

People stopped to listen and throw some coins into the sack. I continued to sing and once I finished the song, I checked the sack. I had gotten a modest amount of money.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm. "Hey, gypsy! Did you steal that money!?" I winced as my cuts were squeezed. Before I could respond, another voice interrupted.

"Does she look like a gypsy you imbecile? Return to your post."

The guard quickly let me go. "Yes, Judge Frollo!" Then, the guard disappeared. I turned to the man, bowing my head. "Thank you, sir." He spoke. "Your arm. Did that idiotic guard hurt you?" I looked down at my arm. My cuts had reopened.

I shook my head. "I'm alright. I-I should be going." I quickly got on my horse, but he stopped his horse in front of mine, preventing me from leaving. "Follow me, girl. You need to be treated. If you try to run, my men will catch you."

I sighed. "Alright." I urged my horse into a walk as I followed behind him. Everyone whispered as we passed, too afraid to point directly at us. We arrived at a large house gothically styled like Notre Dame herself.

After I dismounted my horse, one of the guards carefully took the reins from me. Judge Frollo spoke. "Your horse will be well taken care off." I nodded silently. He led me inside to another room. A fireplace sat at the end of the room and a large cross hung over it. A window was on the right of the fireplace, giving a nice view of the city.

He sat me down on a stool near the fireplace before fetching a cloth, water, and bandages. He sat down on the other stood and lifted my arm. I looked away. He started to roll my sleeve up.

"I apologize for my guard's ignorance and idiocy. They-"

He fell completely silent. I hesitantly looked at him. He was looking down at my wrist, no expression on his face. Then, he spoke.

"What sins have you committed for this penance?"

I gathered my thoughts. He thought that this was some form of penance due to committing a sin. I could still hide it. I spoke. "My parents wish for me to marry, but I don't want to be wed to a stranger." He hummed. "I see. However, this penance is unfounded. You may join me in the church and repent with your service. Shall I send word to you parents?"

I nodded. "Yes. And, thank you..." He picked up the water and pulled the cork from the bottle. He put the cloth under my arm and poured the water onto my skin. I winced as it burned and stung. He spoke. "The holy water is removing the evil." After the burning stopped, he bandaged my arm and rolled my sleeve back down. "There. Now, I'll be expecting you at the cathedral in 3 days."

I stood and bowed my head. "Of course." He waved me off. "You may go. Your horse is waiting outside." I quickly left the building.

I got on my horse and hurried out of the city. With these three days, I could finally put my plan into motion. I had enough money to start fresh. I couldn't see spending the rest of my life in the church.

I had to meet with someone.

I had to meet with that beautiful gypsy boy so that we could finally...

Run away together.

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