For Eternity PT. 2

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For Eternity PT. 2

Your Pov:

It had been a few months since I had ran away from my wedding and met Maleficent. He had summoned me 3-4 times a month, sending Diaval to lead me each time.

Luckily, no one was looking for me. But each time I went into the nearby village or forest, I'd cover my hair and face with a cowl (The cloth Aurora wore over her head in the forest).

I had gotten closer to Maleficent, but he still seemed weary sometimes. Diaval would come to the cottage and spend time with me when he could. I enjoyed the company.

Today, I was out in the forest picking berries and other fruit. Diaval flew above me, watching. It was then that I heard a horse's whinny and some voices.

"They said she's living out here."

"Then let's find her."

I looked up to Diaval, but he was gone. The voices were getting closer and closer. I hurried over to a nearby tree burrow and shoved myself inside with the basket. Soon enough, the two horses came into view. The men dismounted them and I froze.

My ex-fiancé was here.

I stayed as silent as I could. They walked around the area, looking everywhere. It was then that I noticed my cowl hanging from a nearby branch. I had forgotten to grab it when I hid. They noticed it too. My ex-fiancé grabbed it. "She's around here somewhere. Find her."

I pushed myself further back into the tree, shaking. Suddenly, the basket handle snapped under my weight. The two started walking towards the tree. I held my breath, trying not to move.

I yelped as a hand reached in and yanked me out, tossing me to the ground. My ex-fiancé spoke. "I've finally found you. You thought you could run away from me?" From where he leaned over me, I spit into his face. He reeled back and I cried out as he slapped me.

He pulled me up and started dragging me towards his horse. I fought and struggled, but he was stronger than I was.

But before we got to the horses, something spooked them and they took off running. The other man looked behind us and then screamed. The two of us turned around and I smiled.


He looked at me then at my ex-fiancé. "Let her go. Now." My ex-fiancé laughed. "And what are you going to do if I don't? A weak fae like you could never beat me." With the flick of Maleficent's wrist, my ex-fiancé was thrown against a nearby tree.

I ran to Maleficent's side and he pushed me behind himself. He muttered to me. "Are you alright?" I muttered back. "He slapped me, but I'm fine." Maleficent's eyes flashed with an unknown emotion as he faced my ex again.

My ex had gotten up from his position by the tree. Maleficent snapped his fingers and Diaval went from a raven to a wolf. Diaval lunged at my ex and pinned him to the ground. The other man had ran off, leaving just us.

Maleficent walked over to him. "If she wasn't here, I'd kill you where you lay." He stepped back and Diaval got off of my ex. Without another word, my ex ran out of sight into the woods.

Maleficent looked at me. "He still has intentions to return. Gather your things from the cottage." I tilted my head. "But where will I-" He cut me off. "You will come with me to the Moors. You will be safe there."


We went back to the cottage and I quickly packed everything. Once I was ready, we started the walk back to the Moors. Maleficent transformed Diaval into a horse and helped me onto him. He grabbed the reins and walked down the path. My things were floating behind us as we went.

As we went, I began to stare at Maleficent. He was a gorgeous man. His shoulders were broad and he was perfectly muscular despite the fact that I had never seen him do anything physical. His skin held a slight olive tone, giving him an earthly appearance.

His eyes were a beautiful green surrounded by a thin gold ring. My gaze fell to his lips. They were set in a straight line. They looked soft.

As my mind started to wander in other directions, I quickly snapped myself out of it.

We reached the Moors and Maleficent cleared a path for us before sealing it again once we were inside. We arrived at the clearing a few minutes later. A cave like area had been made next to the throne. Once inside, I unpacked my things. Maleficent was sitting on his throne, waiting for Diaval to return. He had sent him to see if anyone had tried to follow us from the cottage.

I admired him from afar. He was my hero. A valiant, strong, and caring hero who saved me so many times. And for that...

I loved him.

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