Royalty Pt. 2

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Your Pov:

I stalked through the grass, keeping my eyes of the grazing gazelle in front of me. I was out hunting with the other lionesses. A new pride was passing through and we were allowing them to stay with us for the time being. That meant that hunting duty was doubled so that everyone could eat.

I lunged forward, sinking my claws and fangs into the warm flesh. We both fell to the ground, the gazelle's neck held by my teeth. It struggled for a few more seconds before the light left its eyes. I let it go and the other lionesses took it away to Pride Rock. I continued on, catching another gazelle, a few wild rabbits, and a bone to sharpen my teeth on.

I carried the rabbits and the bone back as two other lionesses carried the second gazelle back. As we got to Pride Rock, I could see the two prides mingling with one another. Everyone seemed happy and well. I dropped the rabbits next to the gazelles and padded over to my lounging spot with my bone.

The stone slab was bathed in the perfect amount of sunlight and shade with a sizeable water puddle next to it for drinking. I laid down and propped the bone up with my paws as I started to sharpen my teeth. A few minutes later, a voice came from behind me.

"Afternoon, princess. You brought in a wonderful hunt today." I turned on my side to see the leader of the other pride. I stood and bowed my head respectfully before looking at him. "It was nothing but my duty to my pride." He smiled. "But surely, a princess shouldn't have to hunt for her own meal. Doesn't your mate ever hunt for you?" At the mention of a mate, my thoughts went to Scar, but I shook my head. "I don't have a mate. When I joined this pride, I was alone."

He eyed me and I watched him carefully as his fur brushed against mine. He spoke. "Anyone would be lucky to have you as their mate." I stepped back, trying to think of something to say. "Oh, I-" Then, a familiar voice cut me off.

"(Y/n), Mufasa wishes for us to go patrol and check for any hyenas. Now." It was Scar. I turned to him. "Of course. I'm coming." I turned back to the other male. "I'm sorry, I have to go. Goodbye." Without waiting for a response, I quickly followed after Scar. We walked for a while, coming to a stop in front of a familiar pond. I looked at him. "I thought we had to patrol?" He sighed. "That was just to stop that pest from saying anything more."

I rolled my eyes. "Jealous, Scar? Still, he's too...full of himself for my tastes. And you still have to prove yourself to me." He brushed against my side, his fur warm. "I think you're in denial about your feelings, pet. I've hunted your meals, saved you from a stampede, and now, I've defended your honor. I think I've proved myself." I huffed. "That's not it, Scar. I want you to prove to me that you want me. Not my status."

I laid down, letting my paw touch the water. I heard Scar shuffle next to me and in an instant, I was on my back with him standing over me. His head dropped, nuzzling my neck and under my jaw before looking at me. "Answer me this: Do you think I'd really continue this chase for your status? I'm already tired, pet. If your status was the only thing I was after, I would've put a stop to this inane chase a long time ago."

I looked up at him. "It seems I was wrong about you, Scar. Fine. I'll give you your chance." I leaned up and licked the side of his face before slipping out from under him and standing up. I padded off into the tall grass, looking back at Scar.

"We should tell Mufasa the good news, don't you think?"

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