More Than This (Dionysus x Princess! Reader)

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More Than This (Dionysus x Princess! Reader)

A/N: I'm using the design from Overly Sarcastic Productions for what he looks like here. And I know it's not Disney, but I was inspired.

Your POV:

As a princess of Pylos, I had many duties and responsibilities. And today was the first day of a week long celebration for Dionysus. This celebration was held twice every year to celebrate the harvesting of the fruits of the season. Different wines were made and everyone basically partied for a week. However, I was not allowed to join in the festivities.

My father thought it was too dangerous. But in order to not offend Dionysus, he would have wine brought to the palace for our altar.

He constantly tried to shelter me, but I wanted to have fun and actually enjoy life. And so I made up my mind. I was going to sneak out tonight to see and enjoy the festivities.


Once father fell asleep and the guards were distracted, I quickly slipped out of the palace. I had changed into a simple outfit and left my jewelry and crown behind. I also donned a purple shawl to fit the festivity of wearing purple to potentially get Dionysus's blessing of luck and happiness.

In the city square, people were drinking wine, talking, and laughing. I walked to the barrels of wine and got myself a cup. As I drank, I started to relax. While I was watching the celebrations, someone spoke to me. "It's a lovely celebration, don't you think?" I turned around, spotting a boy about my age. He had curly brown hair and hazel colored eyes.

I smiled at him. "Yes, it is. I just hope that Dionysus thinks it's a fine tribute." He nodded. "He certainly will. It's everything he loves: wine, partying, and a little touch of chaos. My name is Eleuther." I took a sip of my wine. "It's nice to meet you. My name is (Y/n)."

He held his hand out. "Walk with me?" I took his hand. "I'd love too." We walked around the city, laughing and talking. As the temple came into view, I stopped and bought some grapes from a nearby stall. Eleuther looked at me as we continued on. "Why the grapes?" I gestured towards the temple. "It's an offering for Dionysus."

We got to the temple and he gestured to the grape vines growing around the temple. "Why not just use those?" I shook my head. "Those are not mine to give. They already belong to the temple and you cannot give what is not yours." He smiled. "Not many would think that way."

We entered the temple and I placed the grapes on the altar. "This is the first time I've actually brought an offering to the temple." He looked at me. "The first time? Why haven't you come before?" The two of you walked out of the temple holding hands. You sighed. "Well, my father is very overprotective. He doesn't like it when I leave the house."

We stopped at a cliff overlooking the sea and sat down. He squeezed my hand. "You should be able to live your life. He's overprotective because he loves you, but it's your life." I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Tonight was the most fun I've ever had. And meeting you made it even better."

I looked up at him to find that he was already watching me. I lifted my head from his shoulder, the two of us watching each other. We both started to lean in, but before our lips could touch, shouts came from the square.

"The princess is missing!"

"Search everywhere!"

I pulled away from him and stood up. "I...I have to go." He followed after me. "You're the princess?" I nodded. "Yes, and I hope that doesn't change things but I have to go." He chuckled. "Then I guess we were both hiding something."

I watched in shock as his form changed into a much more familiar one. "D-Dionysus?!" I stepped back, bowing my head. "Please forgive me for being so forthcoming..." He spoke softly. "Don't be afraid. I enjoyed every bit of tonight. You made tonight perfect. But you should be getting home."

I nodded. "I hope to see you again. Goodbye." I kissed his cheek before running back towards the palace. I knew that I would be in big trouble with my father, but I didn't care.

I had met a god and finally had fun for once in my life. I also experienced love.

I would never regret that.

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