Royalty (Scar x Royal Lioness! Reader)

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Your Pov:

My pride fell before my eyes. Our beautiful savanna burned as hyenas  attacked. My mother and father were somewhere in the fight. Then I found  them. They stood together on our rock monument surrounded by hyenas.  Before I could move, the hyenas attacked, killing them. Then, the hyenas  saw me. One of the remaining lionesses called out to me, "Princess,  run! Get out of here!" Tears pooled in my eyes as I heeded her advice  and ran.

The hyenas cackles echoed in my ears even after I was  miles away from my home. I turned to look behind me at my destroyed  home. Smoke rose into the sky and the savanna was scorched. I continued  running for hours until I saw a familiar structure.

It was Pride Rock.

I  ran until I was stopped by another lion. I bowed my head, "Your  highness, my pride has been killed along with my mother and father." I  had met Mufasa before for political reasons. He knew my parents well. He  spoke, "Come. We will speak more at Pride Rock." I followed him up to  the top of Pride Rock. There, Sarabi sat watching her cub. She looked at  me.

"(Y/n), are you visiting with your pride again?" Tears pooled  in my eyes again. Mufasa spoke for me, "Her pride has been killed,  including her parents." Sarabi spoke, "I apologize. What happened?" I  explained to the both of them, "Hyenas invaded our land. The savanna was  set ablaze and then we were attacked. My parents died defending the  pride. I'm the only survivor of the attack." Mufasa nodded, "You are  welcome to stay with my pride. And I'll send someone to check the land  for survivors."

I bowed my head, "Thank you." Then, I turned and  left the den, already knowing my way around from visiting so much. I  went to where the lionesses were lounging. They looked at me in shock. I  spoke, "By permission of your king, I'm staying with this pride until  further notice." One of them spoke, "But your highness, surely you'd  like some privacy instead of lounging with us." I smiled slightly, "I  don't mind." They all moved to make a spot for me.

I laid down  and stretched out, getting comfortable. My whole body ached from all my  running. Just then, a small head nudged my stomach. I lifted my head to  see a cub curled into my side. The lionesses watched me, but I only  smiled and gently nuzzled the cub before falling asleep.

I woke  up later to the lionesses talking. I looked up to see Scar, Mufasa's  brother watching us. The cub was still asleep, so I didn't move. The  lionesses went silent as Scar weaved between them. He stopped in front  of me, "Good afternoon, princess. Where are your parents?" I frowned,  "They're dead Scar. Along with the rest of my pride." His expression  turned to one of sympathy, but I didn't buy it. He spoke.

"I  apologize for your loss princess, but I do wish to ask you something if  you don't mind?" One of the lionesses gently grabbed the cub and I stood  up, "Fine." He led me to a secluded pond surrounded by tall grass. I  sat and waited for him to talk. He looked at me and spoke, "I have come  to the conclusion that since your parents have passed, the title of  'queen' will be passed on to you. But without a pride, that title is  useless." I tilted my head.

"And your point is?" He grinned,  "Well, to start a pride, one must have a king. And seeing as you are  without a mate, I humbly offer myself." I dug my paws into the dirt,  "You want to start a pride with me? We have no land, no other lionesses,  or resources." He chuckled, "I have spoken to Mufasa and he will split  the land and it's resources in half if we form a new pride. And some of  the lionesses will join our pride." I stood, "Convince me Scar. I won't  say yes so easily." I turned and headed back.

I rejoined the  lionesses, who thankfully, didn't pry. I helped them groom the cubs and  even went on a hunt. Out of all the lionesses, I brought back the  biggest hunt. Everyone had started eating, but I was waiting so I could  eat alone. Then, I heard someone stop next to me. I turned my head to  see Scar holding a piece of the rump meat between his teeth. He placed  it down in front of me and stepped back.

I sniffed it, then  started to eat. Once I got mostly full, I took what I had left and  nudged it towards Scar. I smiled at him and he took the meat, eating it.  One of the cubs wandered over to me, nuzzling into my side. I jumped  slightly when it's muzzle touched my stomach. I smiled, "Someone's  hungry." I gently picked them up by the scruff and carried them to the  one nursing lioness. She smiled and thanked me.

I headed down to  the pond to get some water. After I got a drink, I laid next to the  pond, enjoying the peace. Sadly, the peace was disturbed when Scar came  through the grass. He sat in front of me, "Have I convinced you?" I  stood up and walked past, our sides brushing as I did so.

"Not yet, but keep trying."

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