Satisfied (Bambi x Faline's Sister! Reader)

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Satisfied (Bambi x Faline's Sister! Reader)

A/N: May have trigger warnings, but it is what happens sometimes in nature, so I'm not sure if I will put them. I probably will though. Also reader is a black furred deer.

Your Pov:

Bambi, Faline, and I all grew up together in the forest. Ronno was also there, but we didn't get along very well. I had also grown to love Bambi, but I could tell that Faline loved him too.

Today, Faline and I were at a small pond. Bambi had grown into a handsome buck while Faline and I had grown into beautiful does. I sighed and took a drink from the pond. Faline looked at me. "I know you'll find your perfect mate soon. I mean, it didn't take me long to find Bambi." I looked away. "Yeah..."

A few minutes later, we walked into a small clearing. A familiar buck stood by one of the trees. I spoke. "Ronno...?" He turned to us. "Well if it isn't Faline and (Y/n). No mates I see. I happen to be looking for one myself." Faline shook her head. "No, thank you."

Just as I went to speak, a rustling came from the trees and Bambi stepped into the clearing. Ronno stepped in front of Faline and I, blocking Bambi's path. I watched as Bambi slowly approached us.

Ronno shoved him back with his antlers, sparking a fight. I didn't want Bambi to get hurt, so I did something stupid.

I got between the two and nuzzled Ronno's neck before resting my body against his in order to make it look like I didn't want Bambi. And surprisingly, it worked. The two stopped.

Bambi looked at me with shock in his eyes before quickly making his way to Faline. I could only glance at the two as Ronno nudged me out of the clearing. I had made an unwilling choice and now, I'd have to live with the consequences.


It was two months later that I heard the news from Faline. She was expecting a fawn in 4 and half months time. I had my own news to tell her, so we met in a clearing by the meadow.

Her stomach was more rounded and she was smiling. "(Y/n)! How are you? How's Ronno...?" My expression dropped. "Oh, uh...we're fine, but that's not what I wanted to talk with you about." She tilted her head. "What is it then?" I looked at her.

"Well, I'm expecting a fawn as well, but..."

She smiled. "What wonderful news! But why are you so sad?" I looked down. "I didn't want this, Faline. Not with Ronno." She paused, "But that day..." I shook my head. "I was saving Bambi from getting hurt and I did something stupid. This is the consequence of my actions." Faline sighed. "I see." I looked at her. "I'm going to leave the forest for a while."

Her eyes widened. "Why?!" I sighed. "I have to get away from Ronno. From all of it. If Ronno asks you, lie. Say that man killed me." She sadly nodded. "Alright. Be safe." I turned and rushed out of the clearing.

To get out of the forest, I'd have to cross the meadow. It was dangerous, but it was the only way. Just as I got to the meadow, someone stopped me.


"What are you doing?!"

I stepped back. "Didn't Faline tell you? I'm leaving the forest." He stepped closer. "Why?" I pawed at the ground with my hoof. "I just have to. Goodbye, Bambi." I bolted into the meadow as Bambi called after me. I ignored him and continued on until his voice faded. I ran for many miles until I came to a new forest. I found a den and got settled.

It wouldn't be long until my fawn arrived...


It was a rainy night in the winter when I finally delivered my fawn. The process was grueling and took many hours, but at the end of it all, what stared back at me was not Ronno's rust red fur but instead, Bambi's beautiful brown. I knew then that I had inadvertently brought about ostracization on me and my fawn.

They would be the illegitimate fawn of the new prince of the forest.

If I ever went back, I'd be forced back out. I sighed and nuzzled my fawn, smiling as they nuzzled back. This was my new life, but...

I was satisfied with that.

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