To Be Wanted (Li Shang x Depressed! Princess! Reader)

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Your Pov:

I walked through the palace halls enjoying the silence. I had been stressed since the announcement of my sisters' marriages to princes in the neighboring kingdom. I wasn't getting married, since the fourth prince rejected me, claiming I only brought about bad luck and misfortune.

My mother had died during childbirth and my sisters barely spoke to me. I was the youngest, being born after Mei. My sister's were preparing to leave for the neighboring kingdom and I was staying with father. I eventually found him in the garden. I spoke, "Good morning, father." He looked at me, "Good morning (Y/n). Did you sleep well?" I nodded, "Yes father. Have the guards for my sisters arrived?"

He nodded, "They have. 3 chosen by General Li Shang." I had met Shang years ago after Shan Yu had invaded the imperial palace. Shang took me to safety and after Shan Yu's defeat, we became friends. Father continued, "But, I want you to go with your sisters. To give them advice and keep them calm." I bit my lip, "Of course father. I will go get ready." I left to my room and got dressed again.

I packed a few things and grabbed my fan. The sun was setting as I walked to where my sisters waited. Ting-Ting looked at me, "I thought you were staying with father?" I sighed, "He asked me to go with you three. I will return here afterwards." Then, father called us to the carriage. I opened my fan and hid the lower part of my face as my sisters did the same. We walked outside, the light from the hall casting shadows on the wall. I saw Shang, Mulan (You met her before this and also, Mulan and Shang are only friends in this.), and the three guards.

My sisters got into the carriage after one of the guards helped Mei with her shoe and I was the last one in. Shang spoke, "We're about to depart, your highnesses. You have my word we will arrive swiftly and safely." Before I stepped in, I looked at Shang, "My sisters and I thank you, General Shang." As we sat in the carriage, he introduced Mulan to my sisters, who brought us some blankets before we left into the night.

The next morning, we all sat awake in the carriage, our fans next to us. Su spoke to Mei, "China is so big! Isn't it beautiful Mei? Mei?" Mei was daydreaming. Then, she snapped out of it, "Oh, yes. Beautiful." Mei dreamily sighed, "Did you see the way he looked at me?" Ting-Ting tilted her head, "Who? The gorilla with the bad eye?" Mei smiled, "Gorilla? He's more like a big, cuddly panda bear."

Ting-Ting rolled her eyes, "But you didn't even talk to him." Mei looked out the window, "A true romantic can tell. He may be coarse on the outside, but on the inside..." Su cut her off, "He's gross?" Mei frowned, "I mean under that." Ting-Ting looked at her, "He smells?" Mei huffed, "I can see past my nose. Deep down, deep, deep down, way down, there's something." Su grinned, "Ting-Ting, (Y/n), I think she's in love!" Ting-Ting frowned, "No, there'll be none of that!" I snapped my gaze to Mei.

"Remember, Mei, you are to be married in three days. You gave your solemn oath." Mei sighed sadly, "You're right..." The carriage came to a stop. The carriage door opened to reveal Shang, "We're stopping to water the horses. Maybe you'd like to stretch your legs?" Our fans were over our faces again. Mei spoke softly, "Are the guard fellows out there?" He nodded, "Yes. You're perfectly safe."

Mei got up from her seat with a smile, "I think a leg stretch would be very nice." After that, we all got out of the carriage and went our separate ways. I went to where the horses had been tied to a tree and petted them as they drank from a pond. From behind me, I heard a branch turn. I snapped around to see only Shang. He spoke, "I didn't mean to frighten you princess." I smiled, "Shang, it's just me. Call me (Y/n)." We spoke for a while before we had to leave.

Mei and Su seemed overly happy, while Ting-Ting seemed more relaxed. We all got into the carriage after Mei spoke with Mulan. I sat silent, thinking of Shang. I could feel myself blushing slightly. Ting-Ting looked at me, "What's the matter with you?" Mei looked at her, "I saw her with General Shang." I bit my lip, "We were only talking. Nothing else." They all looked unconvinced. Suddenly, the carriage lurched and began to move at a very fast speed.

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